Recent content by HeeeeresJonny86

  1. HeeeeresJonny86

    Stupid Fun With SCV - vol.1

    What happens when Soul Calibur meets Robot Chicken?
  2. HeeeeresJonny86

    I got a website suckas!!!

    Just thought I'd post this here to give you guys a taste of what our podcasts are like. FourCast Episode 6: Man Bites Snake, Brony Buys Doll, Teens Abuse Tampons (recorded 08/23/2012)
  3. HeeeeresJonny86

    I got a website suckas!!!

    New series guys. Anyone like fable?
  4. HeeeeresJonny86

    I got a website suckas!!!

    Wow...that was fast. Appreciate it dude.
  5. HeeeeresJonny86

    I got a website suckas!!!

    Hey guys. Me and a few buds launched a comedy website just recently that centers around video games. We do playthoughs, podcasts and even the occasional tutorial. You should come check us out if you're into that sort of thing. Here's a few vids of our most...
  6. HeeeeresJonny86

    I use an arcade stick and i find I have more success with circular inputs when I use my whole arm.

    I use an arcade stick and i find I have more success with circular inputs when I use my whole arm.
  7. HeeeeresJonny86

    The Christians Thread

    I'm not here to make waves and I never saw any of the posts that got deleted. I simply feel that agnostics, atheists and Christians should work toward understanding each others ideas, even if they aren't the same. So in the spirit of open dialogue, I'll post my [edited] response to a question...
  8. HeeeeresJonny86

    The Athiest Thread

    Well now. Troll posts aside, this seems like a pretty interesting topic. I'll address your first question with a question of my own. If the life we have here is only a precursor to the eternal happiness heaven provides, then what meaning does it really have? I personally don't ascribe to the...
  9. HeeeeresJonny86

    Enjoying a nice meal of a burger, fries and champagne. 'Cause I'm classy like that.

    Enjoying a nice meal of a burger, fries and champagne. 'Cause I'm classy like that.
  10. HeeeeresJonny86

    Why are there STILL button checks? NB can patch in $80 worth of costume DLC but cant provide...

    Why are there STILL button checks? NB can patch in $80 worth of costume DLC but cant provide button remapping during character select?
  11. HeeeeresJonny86

    Man, I gotta stop letting a few losses make me play so passive... ~_~

    Man, I gotta stop letting a few losses make me play so passive... ~_~
  12. HeeeeresJonny86

    Well yeah, absolutely. Sorry it took me so long to respond. There's all kinds of ways to deal...

    Well yeah, absolutely. Sorry it took me so long to respond. There's all kinds of ways to deal with this move. You can JG it and get a free launch. You can wait till he starts lunging forward and quickstep it for a free launch. You can GI or auto GI it. Or you could just run up and trow him or do...
  13. HeeeeresJonny86

    Lol yup.

    Lol yup.
  14. HeeeeresJonny86

    Online Tournament Finals Live Stream!

    Hey guys. The stream's up. Here's the link.
  15. HeeeeresJonny86

    Random Post Thread

    This dog is... SO FUCKING METAL