Recent content by Kuroi_Karasu

  1. K


    That's one fly !!
  2. K

    How To Just Guard

    The fact is, for most of the cast a jumping attack has a little damage output, and lives you only at a slight advantage. You can also just jump over it and attack after landing but in both ways you don't capitalize on the opportunity. By JG Lows, you give yourself the ability of punishing hard...
  3. K

    How To Just Guard

    I've been waiting for this feature ever since SC3 (that's the first fighting game I could get good at), and I trained myself to just tape the guard button when the strike comes, just like the GI. The thing is, I'm using it since SC3. I used this because it helped me train my eyes and reactions...
  4. K

    Risk: Win Big, Lose Hard

    I definitely agree with that, and that's why I'm so thankful for the SC3 Dev. team who decided to include an in-depth interactive tutorial in the game, and that's why SC3 is still my preferred fighting game. That's still an incredible resource and I recommend that any new player to the SC...
  5. K

    Nice clip xD (now you know I speak English, too)

    Nice clip xD (now you know I speak English, too)
  6. K

    Yoroshiku :)

    Yoroshiku :)
  7. K

    On Winning

    Feng words are so deep, that's the ultimate form of respect. Very funny description of a fight (section 1 & 2) but I don't agree with that. A fight shouldn't be dirty, we fight to win and give it all we have but we don't strike under the belt (nor rape people !!). Because it's the ultimate form...
  8. K

    Utsukushiku saigo wo kangairu hima ga aru nara... Saigo made... Utsukushiku ikiyou janee ka ...

    Utsukushiku saigo wo kangairu hima ga aru nara... Saigo made... Utsukushiku ikiyou janee ka ? -Sakata Gintoki-