Recent content by Lord Muggs

  1. L

    [St. Louis, MO] Players!

    Interesting. I'll have to look up Moonbase. Played a lot of SC1, 2, & 3. SC6 feels promising, so I'm gonna grab a PS4 and a copy.
  2. L

    Honesty: How hard is it being a Mina player?

    Wish I had some pointers for you Khent, but I lost my passion for SC4 when they changed Mina for the worst. Back in SC3 I was able to adapt despite the stuff they did to Nights, cause I still had Mina to fall back on. But then they changed the inputs and properties AGAIN so much that to me, it...
  3. L

    Who Liked SC3?

    I'm with Jaxel on this one. It really did a number on the gaming community. We lost some good people because the changes were so drastic. Personally, I learned to deal with SC3, but I didn't like it nearly as much as I liked SC2. I was able to work with Mina in SC# because she improved, but...
  4. L

    Learning How To Learn Soul Calibur

    "Don't worry about who you are playing." That's a mistake I've made more than once. VERY well written, sir. I salute you