Recent content by outputrotation

  1. outputrotation

    Cervantes Combo Discussion

    I'm doing iGDR > iGDR > B2 > 2A+B for ~113 damage. Is the 2A+B guaranteed? If so, god damn!
  2. outputrotation

    iGDR GUIDE and Move Discussion

    well that helps. i was focusing on just doing it as fast as i could.
  3. outputrotation

    iGDR GUIDE and Move Discussion

    The only requirement for GDRC is that the B and 4 must be on the same frame? the 214 don't need to be done quickly?
  4. outputrotation

    Maxi Post Patch Discussion

    The biggest nerfs is the hitstun change on 66B, and the pushback changes. That combined with a a 15-20% damage reduction makes Maxi noncompetitive. Anyone know what characters do well against natsu, and nightmare?
  5. outputrotation

    Maxi Post Patch Discussion

    Wow... maxi got FUCKED. The Japanese must have REALLY hated maxi. I don't think he's won a major tourney yet and his top 8 showings have been slim. This makes no sense at all. Natsu Nightmare and Pyrrha dodged the nerf bat completely --- and they are the best characters. I mean step in...
  6. outputrotation

    MLG Announces Soulcalibur V Ruleset

    whats so bad about nightmare on an inifinite stage? isn't that a good thing because he can't ring you out all day?
  7. outputrotation

    Yoshimitsu JF General

    Probably my biggest gripe is that this move does not buffer at all. you have to execute it when you are outside the recovery frames which make the i10 on iMCF a lot more like i11 or i12... which jacks up a lot of frame traps and loses to people's BB all day.
  8. outputrotation

    SCV Yoshimitsu Q&A and General Discussion

    What does BA mean? the Guide says that if you 'just' 4AAAA it has the property of BA. Does it mean that he won't fall down?
  9. outputrotation

    Yoshimitsu JF General

    Yeah i put B+K next to the G button so its more of a diagnal trigger pull motion from A to B+K which makes it easier. With iMCF I have to horizontally slice so that I barely hit the outer edge of A and then hope my finger is high enough to still hit B without hitting the side of the button...
  10. outputrotation

    Yoshimitsu JF General

    Oh yeah and I definitely think there is a distinction between making a character complex that requires excellent execution (c. viper in sf or umvc3 for instance) vs making things inanely difficult for the sake of difficulty
  11. outputrotation

    Yoshimitsu JF General

    I want to say this is an input glitch because it counts you holding A down if you don't let it go by the time you press B or BK. Is there an American community manager to Namco we can ask or is it just Daishi's twitter? Either way, I don't have any moral reservations against modding a few...
  12. outputrotation

    Yoshimitsu JF General

    For some reason I can do ear slicer easier than iMCF. I can't do that to save my life. What a waste - there is no reason an input should be that difficult.
  13. outputrotation

    Yoshimitsu JF General

    I'm having issues with Manji Carve Fist. I think it's the same input bug? the down A must be pressed and released on the frame and then B on the next? I don't even know what they want with this input.
  14. outputrotation

    SOUCALIBUR V The Official Guide By Future Press

    Where can this be purchased outside of online vendors?