Recent content by Raregroove

  1. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I misread this as "Okubo's Razor."
  2. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Aw, I missed it.
  3. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Or perhaps...THE ASTRAL CHAOS!
  4. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Apparently yesterday wasnt too much of a setback for SNK's reveal plans, since they showed their stuff today instead.
  5. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Welp, that SNK stuff got cancelled.
  6. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I dont think anyone actually thought that, though I do dare hope. In before Amy quotes. If SoulCalibur did get an FFVII guest though, I wonder if they would get an english voice.
  7. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I see people streaming, but I don't see him in the store. PST here.
  8. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I got this from google translate and thought it was strange. And funny.
  9. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Those are some powerful eyebrows
  10. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I wasnt expecting a 3am pst start. Maybe I wont be seeing the reveal live after all.....
  11. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    My first thought was Lavos. My second was a metroid. Metroid Trigger confirmed!
  12. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Maybe they're going for a combination of his classic looks and Assassin. I do kind of want it to be Algol for a friend though. I'm pretty much set either way.
  13. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Them sounds like fightin' herds, mister.
  14. R

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Amy probably was the last, but I think the first is technically Cassandra, since she showed up in her sister's Soul Blade ending. That's about as background as you can get without being just a name in a bio.