Recent content by Tenryu

  1. Tenryu

    I knew your PSN ID was familiar. Now I know why I got PWND so easily.

    I knew your PSN ID was familiar. Now I know why I got PWND so easily.
  2. Tenryu

    Of what flavor?

    Of what flavor?
  3. Tenryu

    Great games man. Hopefully I can use some of what I saw to my advantage.

    Great games man. Hopefully I can use some of what I saw to my advantage.
  4. Tenryu

    I dunno but I every time I fight a good Sieg, is like they know what I am about to do so there...

    I dunno but I every time I fight a good Sieg, is like they know what I am about to do so there might be.
  5. Tenryu

    I just hope you don't stop playing SCV. It is hard enough to find good players already.

    I just hope you don't stop playing SCV. It is hard enough to find good players already.
  6. Tenryu

    Ezio Q&A / General Gameplay Discussion

    I use it for taunt...a lot. Are all the Ezio players on Live? I think I am the only one on PSN left :(
  7. Tenryu

    Trying to Warn You: A Comprehensive Ezio Guide

    Dude this is awesome, you are awesome. Your Videos have helped me so much.