Recent content by UnfairerCone45

  1. UnfairerCone45

    Xiba Matchup Discussion

    Thanks a lot for the detailed explaining. I'll have to go over this from time to time.
  2. UnfairerCone45

    Xiba Matchup Discussion

    Mind explaining REM?
  3. UnfairerCone45

    UnfairerCone45 on XBoxLive invites you, my friends

    Invited you on xbl. Check plz.
  4. UnfairerCone45

    UnfairerCone45 on XBoxLive invites you, my friends

    That one is good. Invited you to be xbl friend.
  5. UnfairerCone45

    UnfairerCone45 on XBoxLive invites you, my friends

    Try the Regional Matchmaking forum:
  6. UnfairerCone45

    UnfairerCone45 on XBoxLive invites you, my friends

    Yeah I heard of it, yesterday:) It seems SCers gather to fight every Friday evening? At Park Lane Shopping Mall? I would like to join this Friday, if there is a meeting.
  7. UnfairerCone45

    UnfairerCone45 on XBoxLive invites you, my friends

    Sure. Today I may or may not play, but I will try to find you and add you as friend. Not very familiar with the friend related functions. SCV is the first game I play online:) Maybe you can teach me how to use Pyrrha. She's a nightmare for me.
  8. UnfairerCone45

    UnfairerCone45 on XBoxLive invites you, my friends

    Is it 214B or 236B? I didn't find 214B...Is it the poke during Angel step? That one is really nasty.
  9. UnfairerCone45

    UnfairerCone45 on XBoxLive invites you, my friends

    What is GDR? I found many jargons I still don't know yet. Just tried NM and it's effective against Pyrrha. Finally I can beat Pyrrha!
  10. UnfairerCone45

    Zwei pessimist discussion

    I like muscle sexy man so I tried him quite a lot. But I found him not hard to beat, when fighting with AI. Probably because of the lack of range.
  11. UnfairerCone45

    Xiba Non-Gameplay Discussion Thread

    He doesn't look like a Chinese at all. Look at his face! Why every young boy or girl must have big eyes? I hate that.
  12. UnfairerCone45

    Xiba top 10 moves

    I like to poke with 6B, 6B+K and 1 or 3 A+B. But only do it if opponent is not going to side step. In close range I like to do crouching K during hit K, which launches them up and win distance. 1A or 1A+B is good towards 8wayrun, which swipes them down. I'm still a green hand so my advice...
  13. UnfairerCone45

    Xiba Matchup Discussion

    I'm having hard time with a C5 QB Pyrrha who uses rolling pin...When she 246B and pokes me, she will continue with a 6B launch. Before I can roll away or stand up, she repeats. Many a time beaten to death this way. Any good idea to deal with this kind of attack? Thanks!
  14. UnfairerCone45

    UnfairerCone45 on XBoxLive invites you, my friends

    I found Xiba interesting but weak in close range...punished hard by a Pyrrha. Anyway I will go on tapping him while taking up stronger and less skillful characters like Cervy.
  15. UnfairerCone45

    [Singapore] Soul Singapore

    Xbox. Yours?