Recent content by VanityAssassin

  1. VanityAssassin

    BlazBlue - GuiltyGear's next gen cousin

    im looking forward to this
  2. VanityAssassin

    online tekken6 tourny.

    is this still going on? haven't been on here in a long time
  3. VanityAssassin

    Do you get thirsty when you sleep?

    lol no but when I wake up I am
  4. VanityAssassin

    BlazBlue - GuiltyGear's next gen cousin

    I am excited about this!
  5. VanityAssassin

    How Old Are You?

    I am 25! :):):)
  6. VanityAssassin

    Would You Date A Fat Chick? (Vice Versa)

    what is your avatar from?
  7. VanityAssassin

    Gaming habits [IRL while playing]

    i like having music on in the background
  8. VanityAssassin

    What Are You Listening To?

    halou- i will carry you
  9. VanityAssassin

    So what do everyone do for a living?

    right now i am a new Mommy, its a job all in itself
  10. VanityAssassin

    What RPG games are you playing?

    right now tales of vesperia and star ocean
  11. VanityAssassin

    Getting High Hurts Your Gaming Skills...

    wow that makes me laugh
  12. VanityAssassin

    KillZone 2

    when i worked for sony i had to work on killzone all the time, I hated the game, and the producers sucked to work with. plus the online play was so horrible hopefully kz2 wont be as's to hopeing for those of you who are for me kz makes me want to vomit lol
  13. VanityAssassin

    Do not go see the SF movie

    yes the game is great!!! my roommate saw the movie last night and he said the movie was horrible and her spinning bird kick was the gayest thing
  14. VanityAssassin

    Coolest critical finisher?

    Xianghua, rapheal, taki, and tira's is very interesting to say the least lol
  15. VanityAssassin


    i loved it.. so happy to see eliza and the girl that played fred in angel again. I am a big buffy fan so I hope i can get into this :)