Recent content by Vetokfv

  1. V

    Captain Morgan

    Whatever it is, it's probably a good prize. I wonder if he enjoys the companionship of Mudkipz?
  2. V

    Serious questions now

    I remember reading your copypasta. Indeed, I couldn't find it again, what with the name newbie silencer, in a section I haven't explored yet. My mistake. Thanks, ShenOu and ojste. Questions answered.
  3. V

    Stick vs Controller

    Prefer? We have... CHOICES?! 360 controller is all I have... and considering the similarities with the DC controller which I started with, I'll probably stick with it (possibly shooting self in foot?).
  4. V

    Serious questions now

    The wiki is still in progress, right? I checked it out earlier but didn't find most of the answers I was looking for, so I thought I could post them here. Was I wrong? Thanks anyway. 2. Thanks a lot. 3. Bummer. Oh well. 5. It seems so simple now that you've explained it, why haven't I done...
  5. V

    Serious questions now

    Questions answered. Thanks a lot everyone. I'll leave them up. 1. Could someone define what frame rates are? I have the general idea, but if someone could explain it to me again, I would appreciate it. 2. Stemming from the first question, when someone says you are at an "advantage" or...
  6. V

    Wow, I Suck

    It's totally embarrassing how bad I am at this game. Holy shit. I think I played close to 10 ranked matches, out of which I won 1. But that's not the worst of it... I lost to a bad Kilik, and a bad Cervantes... I thought I could beat them after the first matches were played, but I guess...
  7. V

    I got Rick Roll'd

    I don't usually remember enemy CaS characters, but I did play this weird one... He was named "Manly Man" and he wore a pink thong and had a purple afro. Nothing else. Setsuka style. He would pose every time he beat me... lol
  8. V

    Character Selection

    playing characters based on there looks is the only way to play... In all seriousness though, I used to use Kilik cause he was so easy to use (spam lol). But since SCIV, I haven't touched him, and I rarely play as Mina anymore (only to show off her Amy custom outfit), and they used to be my...
  9. V

    EienHikaru's CaS (Nanoha, Fate/Stay Night, Odin Sphere, FF3)

    Funny, my sister had to go and make some OS chars due to boredom last week...
  10. V

    Had to go Retro over the weekend

    We have a summer place up in the Pocono mountains, and that's where we keep the old Dreamcast, PSX, etc... So I got to play SCI lol I actually felt pretty crippled without Amy/Raphael and Cassandra. Finally looked up that stupid Xianghua move where she flails on the ground... greatest...
  11. V

    SC Fanart/lineart/Wallpapers

    The Winner.