Random Post Thread

I rly don't know. A walk? You walk a mile, you have a mile left behind you?
What...food? The more you eat of it... the more of it come out of your "behind"?
-- Am I trolling?
I rly don't know. A walk? You walk a mile, you have a mile left behind you?
What...food? The more you eat of it... the more of it come out of your "behind"?
-- Am I trolling?

You got it right first time.

Nice one. I had to look it up. Kappa
TᕼIᔕ ᗰᕮᔕᔕᗩGᕮ Iᔕ ᑭᖇOTᕮᑕTᕮᗪ ᗷY ᗩ ᔕᑭᕮᑕIᗩᒪ ᖴOᑎT. IT'ᔕ IᗰᑭOᔕᔕIᗷᒪᕮ TO ᑕOᑭY IT. TᖇY ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌ ᗯIᒪᒪ ᖴᗩIᒪ.
TᕼIᔕ ᗰᕮᔕᔕᗩGᕮ Iᔕ ᑭᖇOTᕮᑕTᕮᗪ ᗷY ᗩ ᔕᑭᕮᑕIᗩᒪ ᖴOᑎT. IT'ᔕ IᗰᑭOᔕᔕIᗷᒪᕮ TO ᑕOᑭY IT. TᖇY ᗩᑎᗪ YOᑌ ᗯIᒪᒪ ᖴᗩIᒪ.