Yea, I can do all of that. The font I used was the closest thing I have to what you're asking for. I can try and look for a different font, but there aren't many I don't have (Over 10000 lol)
I wouldnt know the exact name of the font, I just want something in Thin Slashes Like kanji but in english in red with maybe black trim... That'd look good I think. When we gonna battle again? I've almost got all this rust off... LoL
I'll see what I can find, the problem with red is going to be putting it on the left with soul edge, since they're similar coloring, it may not look as good. I'll play around with it and see.

I may be on tonight, if so I'll be ready for ya! Well probably not, my timing stinks online. Offline, I can pull off some far scarier shit lol
LoL you and me both pal... Yoshi is way more technical in his combos than nighty so imagine if my timing is that good online, how good it is offline :P and well you could switch sides with the soul edge but I think it would look fine under it. Just dont like his face being blocked :) and thanks !
Just be aware, I've come up with a couple more strategies I've been working on since we last played! Muwahaha! Try jump kicking me now bizitch!
LoL I will ;) and it will work... I only did that everytime cuz u fell for it everytime! LoL u change your strats then I'll change mine... I adapt in game not a week later haha but 9K will always hit you at some point when your fighting me! They should call me Mr. 9K
I would come up with some excuse, but there is none for that. Off my game or some shit. I normally play better than that. Though Koomp stomped me pretty good, after the 7th loss or so, I just said fuck it and stopped really trying lol
Yea his asty is pretty good. Me and Him always lag vs each other... closest games we had was 5 - 4 for me on the ranking battle, it was almost too laggy to count though... I love battling nightmares by the way ;) I find its a very good match up for yoshi. Like I said I could tell you were good though. Anyone that beats me 5 times first time playing me is!
Well I guess you could move the letters over to the right? If you think that would look better! Either one is fine with me
I have an idea of a redesign, found a good font to use also. I'll work on it tonight and see if I can get to come out how I imagine it. Won't be ready until late though. Have class after work.
The whole thing just seems a bit to cluttered. Problem is getting some type of good and evil aspect included in it along with a large Yoshi.
Aight man just work that shit! LoL I will like whatever you come up with! Also if you could tell me how to put the sig in my sig it would be nice? is there a code for it or do I copy and paste or what? LoL When I make them I know how when someone else makes them i dont :( Thanks brother! U missed some good games tonight!