Hi! I'm doing very well, you? You're a Tira fan, right? That's cool in my book! ^_^
Yeah Tira is the only character that I play as in SC3 and SC4 and will be the only character I play with in SC5 LOL. But thanks for asking. I loved Tira since SC3. She is very strong in SC3. But have you seen any SC5 gameplay yet?? If not I got some links I can give you.. = )
Ah, so no secondaries? Nm, that's what all the good players do anyway XD Did you start with SC3? That was my first. Sc5 gameplay? Man, it's hard to keep up with all the cool stuff happening! Currently, I'm watching the replay of the france stream ^^ I just can't find much with Tira in it unfortunately -_-
IKR it took me a while to find some SC3 Tira gameplay but I found some eventually. I love Tira's Critical Edge!! It looks so amazing.

Yeah I did start with SC3. When I first played as Tira from SC3, I was so hyped and amazed by what she could do in that game.
But I didn't meet Tira by choosing her, I met Tira because I looked on the back of the SC3 game case and saw an awsome looking female with purple eyes dressed in green.

My first instinct was to choose her first as the first female character.
When I did I was so hyped. I Thought how it was so bad ass how she was an assassin wielding a ring blade and she

had all these amazing moves and being able to go so high into the air and come down on her opponent. I miss playing as Tira from SC3 and I also miss her quotes too.
Tira is so amazing in SC3 and is very strong in SC3, especailly when used correctly.
Wow, it's awesome seeing players so in love with their mains for who they are (cause SC4 Tira isn't exactly top tier) I remember that box art, it was stellar! I'm not exactly what you would call tournament material but the cast means a lot to me :)
Hey, I like you already ^_^ if you ever want to chat, feel free to drop me a pm!
Yeah I gotcha. I just saw the new Kayane interview vid. It was cool. Have you seen it yet?