If I recall, dustloop is what you're looking for. It started out with mostly Guilty Gear, but I think it's the primary forum for BlazBlue information / updates now.


I love BlazBlue by the way! What's making you get back in to it? Let me know how the newest one is, I was soooooo close to buying it the other day...
I only JUST started playing the first one ^^

Saw the Limited Edition for a fiver, so I decided to give it a go. Enjoying it so far, though I need to practice my quarter circling all over again. SC is lovingly lacking in that department.

But I appreciate the link! It'll be helpful, thank you~
The game actually has a bit of a story, I think you'll really enjoy it.

If you get to CS and ever want to play online, let me know. It's been like a year for me, but I'd really like to get back in to it and perhaps go out and buy CS EX, haha.
Well I played a bit of story mode, and so far I'm enjoying it. I picked Ragna because he's first in the list, and am gonna continue like that, though Litchi/Taokaka look like fun, and Arukune seems like an interesting guy.

The fighting is all a bit much at the minute, but I'm sure I'll settle in.
If you ever want to watch some combo videos, this guy on Youtube: Jourdal, has the best IMO. His are the ones I've always watched for ideas / entertainment. Sadly he didn't really get in to the videos until the second BB I think, but I scrounged up one video that shows 45seconds of Ragna basics if you need some basic combo ideas with him.
