Since the patch, Pyrrha was a bad matchup. Previously, I would disagree but post patch and backstep nerf, Pyrrha is easily in the S tier with the other Alexandras. Requires a really brainless play style to win as well. If i still played the game I would pick up Pyrrha or Pat. But i'd rather drink a basin full of salt water than that. I'm done with SC for good. GG Namco.
Its funny all the retardedly boring characters are all S tier now and all the interesting characters have been nerfed beyond oblivion by the movement nerf. Nightmare vs Pyrrha is now 8:2 Pyrrha at worst and 7:3 Pyrrha at best. Before Pyrrha's weakness was the short range but in a game where moving forward is the best and only option, she dominates.