To be honest, fighting games themselves might not be my cup of tea. Older SC games stood apart from the rest of the FG world in many ways. Now sc5 is more like generic fighters with borrowed mechanics. It's no longer "Soul Calibur" if you catch my drift.
What they need to do is invent a d-pad for the ps3 that isn't shit. Hoping the new ps4 will address that..
:O PS3's dpad is way better than the 360's, in my opinion. It's the only thing about the xbox controller I don't like.
or they could just... make the moves easier to do. You have to remember that the people who say "it's easy" are the same people who've been doing 236236 since SF2.
I don't think any of the basic moves are too hard. Some combos can be frustrating, but SC's aren't too bad usually. Tekken's are rage-inducing.
Granted, I've been playing fighting games most of my life, but I've never taken it too seriously and I'm honestly below average in every fighter I play. I just think they're fun.
plus on top of that it takes far more than 6 hours of practice in order to get something.

It took me at least 40 hours of practice to get omega's DNS B combos to the point where i can land them in high stress situations. for the first little while i would still even drop 1/10. after a bit of practical experience though the execution became very cemented.
point being if you expect to be good at anything, you seriously need to invest yourself. this again, can even be said for say, coming from online and learning how to block lows - easily 24 hours of practice if you cycle through each reactable low in the game until you can block it 9/10. or wakeup JG/wakeup GI, which depending on the move can take anywhere from 30minutes to 3+ hours to get.
and then there's stupid shit like JGing unblockables and techtraps, which take even longer(although i dont consider them practical at all, just good practice for your execution and your reactions - if its possible, may as well try.)

and then after all that practice, you need to go out there, and you need to lose. you need to get your face stomped in repeatedly thousands and thousands of times...
and you need to be able to take pleasure from that. for with each stomping you get a little stronger. Its a very slow and gradual process but eventually you can become a decent player, or if you're willing to study your theory, a very very good player. but but i will tell you one thing - if you're not willing to invest at least 3-4 hours daily, you're never going to accomplish anything in any fighting game.
this was true even of older caliburs. IMO SCV is far simpler to learn than those because it requires less theory knowledge, is a hell of alot less constrained by frames, and it doesnt require as solid fundamentals as before. furthermore while buffering sucks, you still have tons of frames to input things compared to other fighters.

anyways i just got 14 alerts from this profile post, in case anyone cares =D
I would actually say SCV is less execution heavy and less technical than previous SC games, because namco tried to make the game more accessible and more mainstream(make of that what you will)
I would agree that some characters got easier with execution, however, I didn't have to input 236236 in older SC games with Sieg, NM, or Astaroth. That's the only thing that really bothers me .
As for practice, damn dude R U serious? I don't have 3-4 hours everyday. I'm lucky if I get that in a week. I'm just too busy. Maybe you and I have different quitting points, but after 6 hours, not only did I give up DNS B, but I was bored to death.
You aren't are EVO champ any more so don't have to listen to you
Yes I am serious. This is a competitive site for a competitive fighting game. If you're not willing to invest the time thats fine, but you're not going to get anywhere, that's just the way it is.
@xyerith you should respect and listen to your fellow 8wayrunners regardless of who they are or what they do, unless they truly do something worth the disdain. And even then, if they are willing to have a civil conversation like this, there is no reason to treat them poorly. Also Note that just because somebody wins...
a tournament doesnt mean they have a clue what they are talking about theory wise. They could have just simply had a higher level of skill than everyone at the tournament period(not uncommon) or they could have gotten extremely lucky. In anycase, also note that winning a tournament is a reason to respect that persons skill, but the same site rules apply to them...
as much as they do to everybody else. Its perfectly possible for somebody to win a tournament, and still be a complete and total dirtbag from a community standpoint.

Sit back and make your own judgements, and treat people the way you want to be treated.
And actually further still if there is a member that really is a problem, instead of taking things into your own hands, you should let the mods and admins handle it because that's what they're there for. They will look at the situation(hopefully in an objective light) and will deal with the situation according to their judgement.