Hi, yuuki ! How do you do ? I've been doing pretty well with my English lessons. Therefore, I'm quite busy but it is all for good as I will be able to discuss with you with an fluently accent. So I'm really enjoying it ! I don't play SC V as much as before but I'm helping Deus_Kaliya organize some French events (tournaments, battles..) to keep the community hyped ! And you ? Have you been playing properly ? :p
I'm fine myself. A little daunted experiencing that break between College and University, but i'm trying to keep myself busy. If you ever want to talk about anything English related I am always ok to help out. I've been doing some work. I've been working on finding the right character but ran into a wall when I realized that I get seriously nervous when fighting someone I respect online.
It's only recently where I've decided to start being more bold and asking to run more sets with local players online, but I've run into some kind of nerves problem that seems to get me killed all too much than I should. I'm working with my friend to sort that out though. In the heat of the pressure Omega seems to be my most comfortable character choice.
I also went to bed before seeing the post yesterday. I'm totally hyped for some Omega action. Shame they're both in Block A but hey. Looking forward to your commentary.
I see. Indeed University is quite the new thing for you ! Yes, well I've been studying English in a private institute but the main way to improve this language is to talk the most possible, you know ! So, I would glady practice with you ! Regarding SC V, I'll give my own experience, whenever I get seriously nervous when fightning a stronger opponent, it's because I know I'll improve and I will be able to win him. :p