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  1. Darago

    Should Mitsu's 2K Be Banned?

    We all saw it on Sci-Fi. We watched in agony as two truly amazing players duked it out for the honor of being crowned...THE ULTIMATE GAMER. And Mitsu won, with little more than 2K and a bucket of whiffed attacks to hand out here and there. The question I now pose is this: Should his...
  2. Darago

    I guess I'll post my CaSes.

    General disclaimer: Forgive the crappy quality of the pictures. I'm a bad person and have developed a collective backstory for these first four. Jiro (Not his real name. His real name is my name, haha.) Darago (Don't judge me!) Alessandra Rashara Here...
  3. Darago

    [Wisconsin] Wisconsin still exists? WTF?

    Anyway, you know the drill. Matchmaking, general Wisconsin chat, and jokes about fat people/cheese curds go here. ALL HAIL THE CHEESE CURD!
  4. Darago

    Mind Games and Mix-ups: Or, Make Opponents Take Your Hits and Like it

    As mix-ups and mind games are a huge part of Mi-Na's strategy for not dying, I think they warrant a thread. Talk about them here. 11A/44AA - These two moves have roughly the same range and look exactly the same until they're no longer effectively reactionable. It works, darn it. Messes...
  5. Darago

    I play Guilty Gear because I like to feel bad about my execution.

    Discuss. I play as Axl, by the way. Mad 5P-spamming all day.