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  1. Yamibakeru

    236B: 4 Timing Question

    Hey guys. I have a problem whenever I do 236B. I hardly ever nail the 4 follow-up, Just or normal. It seems to happen on occasion, but then I quickly lose it. What's the timing for 236B4, and any tips on how to pull it off consistently? Thanks.
  2. Yamibakeru

    Sister's EWGF: What is it?

    Hey guys. I think this thread should belong on the Cassie/Sophie soul arenas, but I don't know which one it should go so I'm posting it here. I once fleetingly heard that one of Cervantes' moves can punish the sister's EWGF. What exactly is EWGF? Did I even get the letters in the right order...
  3. Yamibakeru


    Hey guys. Don't know if this has been asked before, but has the default 240 hp changed? I was running through my movelist guide and couldn't help but notice how a good number of characters have had damage consistenty shaved off their attack list in the transition form SC3 to SC4. Like Cervantes...
  4. Yamibakeru

    Tips on Cervantes Mix-ups.

    Hey guys. Newbie here. What moves do you guys use to mix up your attacks when you use Cervy? I can only play a combo-based game with him, can't really play a game of alternating lows and mids. Any useful low hits that Cervantes has, which are particularly tricky/ create guessing games? Oh...