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  1. G

    SC2HD Patch Wishlist

    The only thing I want Project Soul to fix is the online play. Nothing else matters, really.
  2. G

    Win a Copy of SOULCALIBUR II HD Online from 8WAYRUN!

    The netcode is pretty bad, actually. At least on PSN. Nothing like SCV and TTT2.
  3. G

    My first impressions on SoulCalibur II HD Online

    I was so excited for this game...But, not having a quality online play pretty much just kills the point of the game. Hopefully, the 360 version is better. (SF4's netcode was better on 360) If not, at least there's Killer Instinct coming out, and I can always just play SCV.
  4. G

    Netcode is pretty terrible on PSN

    So disappointing...This lag is SCIV all over again. TTT2 and SCV have excellent online play, why would Namco go backwards on this game? I'm never playing this online, again.
  5. G

    Netcode is pretty terrible on PSN

    I can't believe SC V's netcode was as good as it was, and they make a another game, stating it'll have "brand new netcode", when in fact, this game's online play is just awful. I truly hope it's better on 360 when it hits, tomorrow. I regret not waiting for that version to come out :(