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  1. NeoSimSim

    [Germany] Wir haben grosse Schwerter

    Hey Leute, bin neue und dachte ich versuche es mal in diesem Thread. Ob wir es schaffen die deutschen Seelen zu reanimieren? Oder muss man bis SC VI warten?
  2. NeoSimSim

    Newby incoming ...

    So we shall meet again at Discord. Thank you, thats a good hint, just added my PSN username.
  3. NeoSimSim

    Newby incoming ...

    Hey fellow SoulMates, I'm quite new to SoulCalibur and it has been quite frustrating. That's why I was searching the internet for tips and finally landed here. How I came to SoulCalibur? Actually I'm a SSB veteran (since N64) but switched to PS for several reasons. The most obvious is Nintendo...