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  1. EyesThatBlaize

    Meh... getting older... xD

    Meh... getting older... xD
  2. EyesThatBlaize

    8WAYRUN Members Picture Thread

    But of course... well... I dunno... I'd have to work something out. Might be strange for you >_> Besides... esom already has a deal....
  3. EyesThatBlaize

    8WAYRUN Members Picture Thread

    Giving it a shot.... Ciao, -Blaize
  4. EyesThatBlaize

    siegfrieds bad matchups.

    Eh, with Asty, block 3B or 3[B] and just 6A,B.... Problem solved. Similiar with Kilik. 6A,A,A. Siegfried, bad matchups, my personal experience is that Cass and Sets are usually in a good position against Siegfried. You have to be extremely careful in fighting them. As, they have moves...
  5. EyesThatBlaize

    Why did you pick Siegfried as MAIN?

    Heh, in 3... I found his determination to be admirable.... I liked the flamberge weapon, too.... I liked the stances.... I didn't like the long hair.... Not too much about his style in III or IV bothers me. I like SSH A,A a lot more in IV, mind :P And that quite a number more attacks...
  6. EyesThatBlaize

    Welcome to 8wayrun. My PSN is the same as my name, should you wish to have a go. Ciao...

    Welcome to 8wayrun. My PSN is the same as my name, should you wish to have a go. Ciao, -Blaize
  7. EyesThatBlaize

    CAS Phails

    Oh joy, exceptions. How novel! There's exceptions to basically everything.... I suck, yep, s'why I go to CaS every time. That's why it's 50/50 slots filled and contains a multitude of styles, some of which I'm sure I could do much better with had I the patience to actually try. I use...
  8. EyesThatBlaize

    Heh, well, hello there.

    Heh, well, hello there.
  9. EyesThatBlaize

    Pad or Joystick

    I use a modified PS3 controller, I kinda took it apart and attempted to reinforce it a bit, and make it heavier.... Still not as sturdy as a 360 controller, but at least it doesn't shatter from a good squeeze. And for the 360, well, I use a 360 controller. I don't use sticks because I...
  10. EyesThatBlaize

    Favorite Stage?

    I liked the Cathedral (good setting, good music :P) in SC3... and the Tower of Remembrance (Encounter) in SC4.
  11. EyesThatBlaize

    Favorite Female in SCIV?

    I dunno, I just like Sophitia's devotion to her child.
  12. EyesThatBlaize

    My problem with 90% of CaS Characters.

    This is kinda sad... but... heh... Of 50 CaS characters.... I'd say maybe 7 of them follow a black and red color scheme. And even then most of them do so to match their weapons, and will usually have a third color. I tend to shy away from black. Red, well... it depends. It's all about...
  13. EyesThatBlaize

    Well, just returning the message. Hihi.

    Well, just returning the message. Hihi.
  14. EyesThatBlaize

    Don't run Mr. Grangerr. Just kidding :) Too busy lately, sorry ^_^

    Don't run Mr. Grangerr. Just kidding :) Too busy lately, sorry ^_^
  15. EyesThatBlaize

    Sorry to hear that Grange. I've been occupied as of late :P What can I say, you're just not...

    Sorry to hear that Grange. I've been occupied as of late :P What can I say, you're just not important enough to drop my babies for :P Heheh, now, if you were Krayzie on the other hand, that might make a difference! (kidding....)
  16. EyesThatBlaize

    Heh, hi there :P

    Heh, hi there :P
  17. EyesThatBlaize

    There, not so lonely anymore. Although 6 isn't quite as good as 27 :P Even so, better than...

    There, not so lonely anymore. Although 6 isn't quite as good as 27 :P Even so, better than being lonely, eh? :P I've gotten about 35 minutes of play time in the past two weeks. It's annoying xD
  18. EyesThatBlaize

    Heh, I can't lately. I've had to restart my PC... it's terrible... sooooo many hours of...

    Heh, I can't lately. I've had to restart my PC... it's terrible... sooooo many hours of work.... And then, the kids, etc... a wedding I had to go to.... Yeah. I'll try to be on when I can :P Ciao, -Blaize
  19. EyesThatBlaize

    Sorry I haven't been on much :P Miss playing you :P

    Sorry I haven't been on much :P Miss playing you :P
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