Search results

  1. blindhobo777


  2. blindhobo777

    [Jul 6, 2012] Evolution 2012 (Las Vegas, NV)

    SC pools are going on in the second stream, not on 360p for some reason though
  3. blindhobo777

    [Jul 6, 2012] Evolution 2012 (Las Vegas, NV)

    brackets online will be updated later. you can follow!/gyt on twitter for updates
  4. blindhobo777

    The good old pirate is back

    where are you guys getting this profile stuff? it's not on the official site or anything... unless i'm blind and just missing it.
  5. blindhobo777

    Leixia Discussion Thread

    She's wearing less clothes than in any of her mom's outfits. Also wtf at no Kilik/X sexy time.
  6. blindhobo777

    Random Character Art

    I'll just leave some stuff here.
  7. blindhobo777

    Remove 1 character from the game!

    Take Apprentice out. At least exclusivity prevents Yoda/Vader from being used. Stupid Star Wars characters...