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  1. AmethystLady

    North East Championships 13 (2012) Results!

    This weekend was fun. Thanks for igniting the flame again. It was nice speaking with new people and meeting up with old friends. Until we meet again at the next tournament. ^_^
  2. AmethystLady

    [Dec 1, 2012] NorthEast Championship (NEC XIII) Dec 1st & 2nd (Philadelphia, PA)

    Ah, ok. Appreciate it. I fell asleep but if there's casuals after tournament today I'll be down. I can't wait to meet everyone.
  3. AmethystLady

    [Oct 24, 2012] WNX Soul Calibur 5 Weekly Tournament (Arbutus, MD)

    First Lady will try to be there. Work has been hectic, but if there's active playing up at Xanadu I'll try to drink a 5 hour energy and be there.
  4. AmethystLady

    It's all good, it was fun. ^_^ GGs!

    It's all good, it was fun. ^_^ GGs!
  5. AmethystLady

    Sure thing. Just send me a message when you're ready, MsAmethystLady

    Sure thing. Just send me a message when you're ready, MsAmethystLady
  6. AmethystLady

    Trying to knock the rust off and get some practice/games in on PSN.

    Trying to knock the rust off and get some practice/games in on PSN.
  7. AmethystLady

    Nightmare...but he can effectively play all characters except like 2 lol

    Nightmare...but he can effectively play all characters except like 2 lol
  8. AmethystLady

    Playing against Promiethius is so frustrating... But I love him lol

    Playing against Promiethius is so frustrating... But I love him lol
  9. AmethystLady

    Playing some good ol' SCV on PSN and trying to make another custom Ivy.

    Playing some good ol' SCV on PSN and trying to make another custom Ivy.
  10. AmethystLady

    Hopefully I can make it up to Philly for Big E's Barfights.

    Hopefully I can make it up to Philly for Big E's Barfights.
  11. AmethystLady

    Thank you very much. ^_^

    Thank you very much. ^_^
  12. AmethystLady

    Playing online, going through ranked for shits and giggles while watching Wednesday Night Xanbats.

    Playing online, going through ranked for shits and giggles while watching Wednesday Night Xanbats.
  13. AmethystLady

    SCV Ivy FAQ & General Discussion

    3B <3
  14. AmethystLady

    East Coast Throwdown 4 Results!

    Thanks for the compliment. I'm going to continue working toward being the best I can be, starting with practicing CS on this brand new controller. ^_^
  15. AmethystLady

    Nope, PSN. If I could have both I would. T_T

    Nope, PSN. If I could have both I would. T_T
  16. AmethystLady what do I do... SCV online perhaps? what do I do... SCV online perhaps?
  17. AmethystLady

    Watching my sis play RE: ORC is very entertaining.

    Watching my sis play RE: ORC is very entertaining.