Minneapolis, Minnesota - Is anybody out there?? Hellooooo?!


[08] Mercenary
Shocking, there don't seem to be that many players in Minnesota. We never were the gaming state, anyway. All well, let's hope some people stumble onto this thread!
Games N Go in Rosedale has fighting game casuals usually tuesdays and fridays starting at 4-4:30 ending at 8:30(or earlier depending), you can usually find someone up to play for them to set up SCV for you if you get there as they're setting up. We had a tournament there about 10 days ago, too.

A friend of mine and/or myself are usually there tuesdays playing SCV, so there's usually a setup then. Haven't had a lot of fridays recently, though.

Most of the casuals + tourney updates are on their facebook group or pages, you should check it out for the schedules:

http://www.facebook.com/groups/GNGTournaments/ tourney group, I dunno if you need to be added to it for you to see it, it's the most useful one to know if casuals are on or not. After you go to casuals once or twice someone from the group will add you if you talk to them usually.



those two are less useful, but they sometimes post casuals updates and always post tourneys.

The MN thread here isn't posted on much, heh.