My Concerns on the Reversal Edge.

So im not trying to be difficult and have no intention of starting arguments but....

I to had trouble with what I thought was “spam or abuse”. However i realized that if i got hit with the RE and it took damage from me...well... not matter it was RE or anything else, i was gonna take damage anyway.

I also found that if I was seeing what one could persive as abuse, then I was being predictable. So I needed to change things. And once I figured that REs could be stepped, then it made it all that much more easier to deal with. And my perception of “this mother fucker just spams RE like a bitch” turned into “haha look at this motherfuck spam RE like a bitch. Watch as I step it and punish his dumbass.”

With these new mechanics we are seeing, it is easy to point at something we dont fully understand and claim “spam!” But as with all “spam” there is typically a way around it unless its game breaking. Which RE is far from.
Geeze. I just RCAA'ed them a billion times.