

[09] Warrior
Just picked up X for an hour or so last night, haven't played her in previous games, and I've been skimming the soul arenas on CF all day at work. Long story short: I couldn't find any info on X's punishers (maybe I wasn't looking hard enough?). I know Cass/Soph have their 236B as a staple punisher but for X I'm not really sure what I can throw after step/block other than AA. Any suggestions would be appreciated!
AA seems to be pretty unsafe (Someone correct me) so you may want to try BB or perhaps 66K (Even with the nerfed range, it works for me against people).
The awesome thing about AA is it's pretty much the second fastest move in the game (at 11 frames, its only bested by Taki's really short range 10 frame AA). For an attack that fast, X gets a decent bit of distance, and you can use that to start punishing stuff that many other characters simply cannot. AA also puts you at advantage AND you have the option to go into SXS so experiment with that when you have no other punishment options available.

the other moves i use to punish (in speed order) are 4K (combo into 3B), 66K, 3B. 4k is a great punisher but its range is limited.

Dont forget about lows - a lot are unsafe in this game so start taking advantage of that with some WSK, FC3B
Amy's 6B,B is i11 frames as well.

The only lows that aren't punishable by Soph or Cas 236:B are FC A+B and the 6Bk because the you can roll after the first hit.

Punish with 6,6B+K if it will hit if not just 4K, 3B. 6,6B+K is launch punishable on block.