Setsuka Tech Traps

Im not using it XD. But yes for sure in beginning they will be teching after it. Later they will lay, and in this situation A+KB wont be that good because its blockable on reaction. So it will ends in normal wakeup game.
hey i'm surprised no one mentioned this... if you connect 2B+K then umbrella catches tech ALL way... i love using that... and if opponent learns and doesn't get up then 11B or A+K, B to umbrella for ground damage... AsTarOth tactics... lol... ...only better!!!
Hi there, this is my first post ever on these forums cause I thought I'd mention some interesting traps that I haven't seen posted around (but if they have been don't hate on me ;) ). Well anyways heres what Ive got and I use all the time

If you do CH 3B bA you can do 66B+K which catches back and fowards techs and even after that you can do B+K back umbrella just which catches them again (Ive seen it catch left and right techs but not very often) Well anyways if your opponent is really dumb you can do 66B+K AGAIN to tech them, it goes infinitenly if they keep teching normal. I use this all the time online and it adds alot of damage.

Another interesting use for her Unblockable I found is that WC 3A+B stuns them long enough for her unblockable to always hit them if they back foward or normal tech.

From 66A+B I noticed you could do her B+K fury combo which is just amazing damage for a tech trap, i noticed it getting most techs but sometimes it just randomly doesn't. Not really sure why I haven't looked into it a great deal, I think it catches left techs but not right or something, dunno. :P

You can get a nice tech trap from both 44B+K and 22_88BB, 33B will catch with both moves so you can follow up with bA and try my other tech traps I mentioned up there xD.

Well aye! that's her really usefull tech's ive found that do a nice amount of dmg and are generally easy to do, only problem with them is that most of them don't catch left and right techs.
Some tech traps I've learned

CH 3B Ba (techtrap) 33B
ch 33b 6k (techtrap) Ba (strict timing)
WC3B:b (Second hit stuns-techtrap) 66A+B
WC3A+B 214B (techtrap) 66A+B (strict timing) (tech trap) Ba
Just wanted to note, because I don't see it, Sets has fifty thousand tech traps after 44B+K. The best one I can remember afterwards (as in, catches most) is umbrella, but it doesn't catch to Sets' right.
Another TT.

While against a wall or next to the edge of the ring (though you could just as easily go for a ringout in that situation), Command throw ---> 236 (delay a little bit, just as she starts to 'come up), B+K series catches all but to the right.

It's probably some more stuff you can get off of that, but I figure that'd probably be the most useful if they're off-axis for the wall-combo, as it does about half health.