What are Leixia's best moves to use on a grounded opponent?


[11] Champion
I'm trying to learn Leixua and I really like her unpredictable flow - yet flowly style, though I am at a loss as to what to do when I knock someone down.

Any ideas? :P
You have a variety of choices depending on what your opponent will try to do after they are knocked down. Understand that what move they are knocked down by (or launched by) determines how much time you have before you can attack your opponent before they can stand up, as well as determining how far away your opponent lands.

The three main things your opponent will do in this situation are as follows: stand and guard, lie there, and roll away.

- Counters "stand and guard":
Throws (duckable)​
Safe moves with heavy guard damage such as 1B, 1A, 1K K, 4A+B, 4B (B), 3B+K, FC3B, and 6B+K​
Low attacks such as 2K, iWR A+B, 2A+B series (can cancel into BT 2K/Throw/BT B+K), and 22K (plus 22kA series)​
Guard breaking moves such as FC3bB, 2B+K, 44aB (and similar), 66B series, and 44K
Frame trapping moves such as 4A, 4K, and WR K (all -2 on block)​
- Counters "lie there":
Ground hitting moves such as 33B B (unsafe at close range on block), FC3B, 2K, 1B, FC2A+B (unsafe), 66K and 44K
Moving to an advantageous position by sidestepping or moving forward for a better/scarier mixup on wakeup​
Moves with really long active frames like44[A], 33B B, and 4B B can partially whiff but still make contact with your opponent. This is not ideal, but these moves require that your opponent firmly commit to staying flat on the floor.​
- Counters "roll away":
Ground hitting moves with good tracking/relatively fast startup such as 1B, FC3B, 3B, 2K, 66K, 33B B(whiffs if you don't delay it properly)​
Moving parallel to your opponent to prevent them from changing their position relative to the wall/edge​
2B+K (sets up big damage with AA BE, builds meter on ground hit, and sets up a mixup on close-up block)​
Moves that fall into more than one category are marked by color as follows:
Counters Blue and Red = Purple
Counters Red and Yellow = Orange
Counters Yellow and Blue = Green
Potentially counters all three: Bolded Teal
Bear in mind that your opponent can also attack on wakeup, but this is only a good option if their move is either faster than yours, or if it has some kind of defensive option built in such as auto guard impact, tech crouch, or even tech step. Smart opponents usually won't use this much, provided that you are careful enough to avoid using really slow moves over and over.

(TLDR) Stick to purple, orange, green, and teal moves to cover the most options simultaneously. My top 3 recommendations overall are FC3B, 2K, and 33B B. Use FC3B and 2K when you think they'll block, and use 33B B to punish them if they stay down. Sprinkle in a few throws and you're all set.

To get you started, use 1B after a launcher (3B, 22B, FC3B), then use the above mixup. Since 1B puts you into a full crouch, using FC2K and FC3B is easy. To throw, just buffer 66 in there after 1B ends, then throw as soon as you see them rising off the ground.

Hope this is helpful.
FC = Full Crouch. It means that your character is fully crouched and is not rising (WR) from the crouch.

I'll update my little chart to include 66K when I get home from
Work. It'll be added as an "orange"move.
I suppose this is a necropost, but....
If I'm standing right above them, I like to FC 3bB after knockdown. It catches people by surprise as I'll often see them alternating between standing and crouching guard in their confusion. On hit, you can do any number of things (like those above), and on even on block it's pretty safe. If they start blocking it right away, just switch to FC 3B. Just be aware that this will sometimes whiff (anyone know why?) and on hit this will push them out of range.
I wouldn't really consider it necro'ing if the thread has been active in the last 60 days and has relevant discussion.

FC3bB is a good wake up tool, but you need two things from your opponent to make it work. The first is that you know they won't tech/roll. This can be established by using anti roll such as 2K, 66K, and FC3B. The second thing you need is for your opponent to respect your wake up options enough that they won't mash out a quick attack or attempt to stand and step right away (this is a frequent cause of whiffs for FC3bB). Scare them out of this by using wake up throws, 1KK, FCA+B mixups, 2B+K, and iWR A.
Yes, I mix in some 66K and 1KK for rollers. Everyone who doesn't roll is gonna get their toes poked at least a few times. I'll basically alternate between FC3B and FC3bB until they start rolling and open up 1KK.

You know what sucks the most? There are few Leixia players out there, so sadly...I will occasionally fall for my own tropes when other Leixia players use them against me LOL
66K is fairly safe, so it's one of my favorite oki options, and if you happen to hit someone with it standing, you're at the perfect range for a throw/3A+B mixup. And I think FC 3bB actually tracks a little bit... like, I'm often able to catch people who are rolling around with it.
66K and 2K are some when they enjoy rolling around in the dirt. If they are one of those people who refuse to roll then I like to use 3B, FC 3B and 44K. If they like to try and get up right away I like 44K, 2B+K, and 22kA mix-up.
I don't know why but 66K really as a tendency to whiff if people roll to the left of leixia. I pretty much only use FC 3B, FC 3BB 44K, Quake and throw.
I use 33BB on rollers, because it catches rolls in both directions and hurts like hell. Gives them a very good reason not to roll. When they stop rolling, I like to switch it up between 22K, 66K, and 44K.