Why Hilde was broken in SC4. (The problem with button binds.)


[11] Champion
So I made a post on SRK explaining the real reason why Hilde was broken in response to some people talking about it. But I think this is actually still a pretty big issue that should be fixed in SCV (if it is not already). Below is my quoted post: (Link because Idle made me :|)

In any case, most people don't know the real reason why Hilde is "broken".

The real reason is the broken way in which button binds are handled in the game. The game allows you to hold a charge by holding a binded A or B button. Here is the broken part. It also allows you to interrupt a charge with a normal move just by pressing another binded A or B button. That may or may not sound broken at first. After all the charge is reset once you do this. But think about it. If this were an arcade with 4 buttons like the game was likely designed to be played on. Doing this is naturally impossible. To perform an A attack while you're holding down the A button you'd have to press G, release A and then you're free to use that A attack. It's essentially the equivalent of a walking forward sonic boom or flash kick. Holding a charge is supposed to limit your options. Moreover, this caused her to be extremely vulnerable to throws. Especially command throws. If she's holding a charge she has to see the grab, release the button in question and then quickly press that same button again. When some throws have windows under 6 frames to break, it's pretty much impossible to do this while holding a charge. The broken way in which the button binds were implemented circumvented what seems to me like an obvious weakness designed into the character.

Of course. Banning binds is pretty much unenforceable and pad players all over would be shitting their pants. And that resulted in the clusterfuck of today.

Granted she would still have been top tier. Smart players who play her "the way she was meant to be played" know how to mask what buttons they're charging and her tools are all extremely good. Especially with Doom combo. But she wouldn't be nearly as overpowered (and broken) as she is now.

And here was my proposed solution that I proposed aeons ago:
I'm hoping they patch it so that buttons binds for each button are tied to the same "internal button". So pressing duplicate bind will just make it think the same button is still being pressed. I don't think that's too egregious a change on your part yes? It solves all our problems. Binds of all kinds can stay in and what seems to me like an obvious disadvantage designed into the character is preserved and we can all hug and stuff.

To elaborate, the game would internally only see 4 buttons like it should. And pressing a binded A while holding another binded A would only cause the game to see it as still being pressed as opposed to having it be "pressed again".

Please help me bring this issue up with Daishi by posting to his twitter. Thanks guys!
ShenYu, fear not.

I have it on "good authority" wink wink nudge nudge that the entire way the button binding and button priority system works has been changed, not just to get around this, but to fix other exploits that were possible with it like easier JF's, Juke-rolling, etc.

Rest easy my friend, I PROMISE you this has been fixed.

Also, link to thread?

Well he's already confirmed that slide inputs and mashing won't work for just guard. So if that's something he's made universal across all inputs, then yeah that helps.

Let's be real though, she'd still be pretty fucking broken even without binds.
KowTowRobinson : That's the thing, she wouldn't have been.
You'll still have to watch out for the doom combo, but you can at least control her charges with throws and get away with a lot of shit that she cannot punish. I'll go as far to say that she'll have difficulty handling bad matchups. (Asta/Kilik comes to mind).
Exactly. Do you have any idea how easy it is to make a Hilde without binds scared of using charges? Once you stop using binds you have to weigh a whole new set of risks when you use a charge.

"Am I at a bad angle where I could be rung out by a throw?"
"Will I need access to a move like 6A+K or 2A to get out of this mixup?"
"Do I have to dump a charge so I can deal with this situation?"

And keep in mind that dumping a charge is a non-trivial process. At least in Street Fighter all you have to do is release back. Here you have to press G. Release A or B. And then release G. And in the amount of time it takes to do that you could already be eating a mixup.

i think all moves are doable without binds i mean what about when this game was in the arcades and u couldnt bind anything. its all about discovering a method to do the move. im trying to learn stick atm with no binds except for crit finish bind and honestly i just did it for convenience cause its not like i'd have to press all 4 buttons at the same time very often anyways.