Forum feature requests

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also wheres my damn checkbox to automatically disable smileys in all of my posts? not being able to use the quick reply box for fear of those stupid things is craptastic.
Just so you guys know... I have added flashchat to the forums... its in testing phases right now...

Flashchat is a HUGE resource hog... so now we get to see how these servers respond to it... 20 people in flashchat would be the equivalent of 200 people browsing the forums.
dude... just get a java applet to irc. it takes hardly any bandwidth, and im sure a lot of us know how to use irc anyways so we can get in through another program like mirc which would be even less people using the portal.
Except I don't wanna pay for mIRC.

As a matter of fact, I'd rather pay for the upkeep of this site (which I plan to do soon).
Kolhell... there are several problems with getting a Java IRC client...

1. Java is HELL. Worst programming language on Earth, and I know myself and many others refuse to use any programs written in it. I woudl rather use the .NET runtime than the Java runtime.

2. The issue isn't bandwidth. Its database access. Flashchat takes almost no bandwidth, since all it does is relay text to and from the database. The problem is that it relays data to and from the database at a much higher rate; and each person who joins the flashchat essentially adds a whole fractal dimension of database reads.

3. IRC does not integrate at all with the user database. Instead of having a unified login system where people use the same login on the forums as they do in the chatroom, they would have a different login for each system. This becomes problematic since many times usernames would not be the same, and people could potentially impersonate other people. IRC is a security risk, and it has been since its beginning.
alright well whatever *shrugs*

and mirc is free you noob. itll ask you to register it when you start it up, but you dont have to.
Well, the chat filter is weird. Can't say any 5 letter word beginning in b and ending in h (ex. beach), but what you would think wouldn't go through, does.
SC4 stuff is now above SC4 nationals...
Right now we have a Video Games forum, we we need others, we can add them too.

Could try media discussion or something, or some sort of humor thread. I see both of those plenty of times.
I was thinking there should be a SC4 online section link from the main page, with all the good/bad games and venting threads moved into it. right now they are all over in the general lounge, the sc4 lounge, and the regional matchmaking. i think alot of people are here regarding the online aspect of the game and that info should all be direct linked to the main page and consolidated into one "SC4 Online" main section...
Could try media discussion or something, or some sort of humor thread. I see both of those plenty of times.

Humor usually just goes in the random thread. A media discussion usually becomes a political discussion, which then dissolves into a internet-retard-slapping contest. It's a headache I'd prefer to avoid.
I just installed an older version of the flashchat... when the new version gets more stable, I'll reinstall that one...
found a small bug in the forums:

on the page for Quick Links -> Today's Posts , all the Forum section links (General Discussion, SCIV: Tira, etc.) simply loop back to the Today's Post page, searchid=2103. the same type of behaviour happens with the New Posts page.

it's not a big deal, really, just thought i'd mention it.

btw, the functionality of these forums is great. quick links, quick reply, albums, and the most useful front page to a forum-based site i have ever seen. seriously.
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