Forum feature requests

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Thanks for the heads up... I've posted the bug for the plugin.

BTW... I just setup a CronJob that will run once a week (Tuesday at 6AM EST). This job will automatically repair and optimize all tables, and then backup the entire forum database (not the wiki) to a secret file on the server. So we'll never have the problems we had at CF. Of course, the forums will be temporarily closed while it does this... right now it only takes 5 seconds; in a few months it could be longer.
Hmm... That is an interesting way to do things. If you have a weekly backup, just make sure everyone knows about when, and it could take an hour for all we would care. So long as there is advanced warning as to when it starts. (I know it's an instant right now, but like you said, once we get 50 times the number of posts and such, it may have a different effect time.)
hi again, another bug (sorry if i'm being annoying, lol) :

the Previous and Next Page links are constantly mapped to the last page of the thread.

for example, i'm on page three of this thread, and the "<" link is "" . so it looks like there is a conflict between what looks like "page(TotalNumberOfPagesInThread).html" before the ampersand, and the ampersand argument itself, which is ignored or out-prioritized, although it is correct.
How about a "glossary term" feature?'s vB has it. Basically it scans posts for terms that you define and when you mouse-over it, it shows the meaning. Very useful for posts heavy in notation that people may or may not understand too well.
I just now noticed the arcade had Nanaca Crash. Which is like.... one of my favourite things EVER. So yeah.
Okay... I have just enabled some new features (had them disabled at first to test server performance)...

SYNDICATION! (Javascript, XML and RSS)... You can now subscribe to either the entire website (not recommended), or subscribe to a single forum! (great for character forums). Say you wanted to subscribe to the Talim forum, anytime someone posts anything to the forum, it will be updated in your RSS reader!

There is also a "Currently Active Users Viewing This Thread" section... as well as a "similar threads" check. As well as social bookmarking.
I'm just now starting to get interested in modding my HFS3, but why not have a forum for stick modding/making?
If the forums suddenly feel like they are a SHITLOAD faster... thats completely on purpose. I just installed some new apache htaccess rewrites that add expiry notices to elements within the website. This of course means that your computers now have the ability to cache all the images on the site.

Even the Wiki should be faster now... (which has and always will be slower than the forums)
You mean these?

:7: :8: :9: :(7): :(8): :(9):
:4: :5: :6: :(4): :+: :(6):
:1: :2: :3: :(1): :(2): :(3):

:A: :B: :K: :G: :(A): :(B): :(K): :(G):

:aA: :aB: :aK: :aG: :a(A): :a(B): :a(K): :a(G):
:bA: :bB: :bK: :bG: :b(A): :b(B): :b(K): :b(G):
:kA: :kB: :kK: :kG: :k(A): :k(B): :k(K): :k(G):
:gA: :gB: :gK: :g(A): :g(B): :g(K):

The only problem I see is that they dont look right on the dark backgrounds...
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