Raphael media =/

Eat shit asshole!

Anyways, Raph forum gonna be Raph forum. Raph looks great so far. Play him wisely and avoid prepping after EVERYTHING like we see in a bunch of vids and he should be fine.

j/k on the Eat shit thing. Good to see you again.

The amount of work you have to do to win is basically the tiers in a nut shell. Roll ~CAN~ beat MvC2 Sent but it takes a tonna work.

Hello Bojack been a long time lol.
How is 33KB(BE) worse?? It does decent damage and sets up a CE. I understand no Prep move will guarantee Prep K(BE)...seems like this high damage RO move will only work against noobs or steppers or unless you get lucky. But I think Prep K can be stepped if they move early enough.
You would NOT be spending 150% meter on that combo nine out of ten times. Right now you need every bit of meter you can get because every 50% turns every 6BB/Prep BB into a counter-hit threat. Both of those moves seem very consistent so far in every way, especially neutral 6BB from long range. Spending 150% meter and not even guaranteeing a round simply gimps all his other combos and opportunities.

Are you guys gonna do a Raphael guide to moves to use and what not to use etc. etc.?

The game isn't even out yet for most people. But so far the only thing I can say with any certainty is do not spend meter on Prep K.
Look at all the old faces coming out to play...fun fun times.

SC2 Raph was good...good frames, good reach, good pressure, options. Clearly not top-tier, but 2K > WRB > 6B uninterruptable setups and free throw attempt after 9K hit, plus the ridiculous RO game was really solid.

But, those days are long gone, and nobody gives a fuck anymore.

New Raph, so far, seems like a poke / CH pressure type game. I'll spend a lot of time in the office tonight combing through the frame data Tag posted to try to find decent setups so we can start theory-crafting shit.

I feel like his CE is shit - not worth the bar when you could get 2 BE 6BB / Prep BB instead (or that Prep K double up!) but it is a new dynamic so I could be wrong.

I'm excited for this shit, yo.
Spamming his prepBB(BE) to rape guard meter is a wonderful strategy lol. Its also safe against a lot of characters due to the force crouch

Got a full meter ? Anytime your opponent is yellow guard guage, just do 6BB(BE) for the guard crush, then repeat for 60+ damage.

Hope they arn't sharp with their steps because they can't avoid the initial flurries but the 236B portion is evadeable (you'll blow past them hopefully safe).

Not at all. I'm basically (at least was for a time) THE Raph encyclopedia. I wrote this guide http://www.gamefaqs.com/arcade/562978-soulcalibur-ii/faqs/19911 shortly after SC2 came out. Gamefaqs dates it @ 12/09/02 so I sort of wrote the book about Raph eleven years ago. Granted it's badly dated and leaves out a ton of shit on SC2 Raph.... on 2nd thought, my old guide is kind of shitty. I was new to Calibur in general back then so whatever. Enough dick waving.

I do plan on trying to contribute to the Raph community again in 5. Especially since I'm not the douche I used to be back in SC2/3 days. Just need to get the game 1st.
Especially since I'm not the douche I used to be back in SC2/3 days. Just need to get the game 1st.

Always good to hear ;-)

So, 3A doesn't track for crap to his right side, but tracks OK to the left. 2A covers step ok which is nice, and AA doesn't seem to be easily steppable anymore.

3B etc. after 1K / 22B seems to be REALLY unreliable. I'm trying to re-step / guard / etc. to line up again, but it seems to hit, maybe 50% at best, worse against people who QS all the time.
90% of my matches so far have been spent in full baiting mode. I'm no longer abusing my range trying to get away with free damage. Instead I'm trying to hit people with 22B's and walk them into SE B's hoping that everyday is my birthday. I aggressively throw, TC, TJ, side step, and fish for funny counter-hits every match. Moves such as BB and1A are the ones I've been using the least.

3B etc. after 1K / 22B seems to be REALLY unreliable. I'm trying to re-step / guard / etc. to line up again, but it seems to hit, maybe 50% at best, worse against people who QS all the time.

Off 22B you just need to be instant with it. And 1K SHOULD give the same combo except it doesn't because someone at Namco had it out for that move for some reason.
Thank you very much for the vid.

The CPU level is really good. Spams too much 6BBB on block, though.
With Raph, every move we do must have some meaning, we can't spam or just harrass mindlessly. I like it. This is really the spirit of fencing. And if the opponent comes too clos, 3A...

However, 6BB beeing -14 on block is nonsense. How can I test my opponent's guard with this ?
6BB is really good situationally. It's not dependable to just toss out in the neutral game, but if you find yourself with 25% meter and a counter-hit opportunity, then do 6B(B) and prepare to hit the BE when you visually confirm. If nothing happens then you're at -4 in Prep which isn't the worst thing in the world.
@Fendante : this is off-topic, but I'm impressed by your ability to remain positive about Raph in spite of the many disappointing discoveries about him.

That beeing said, this vid restored a good part of my motivation. Ther's something to do about this vampire.
Raph basically has one goal in this game same as all other games: do not swing into step-G and do not get hit by ANYTHING.
Good evening, fencers !
I found two vids from a tournament (in Strasbourg) on Soulcalibur.fr of a French Raph player called Gohan.
He's a seasoned player and has been using Raph since at least SCIII.
I really like how he plays and I thought it would be worth watching.

Clean style, good zoning, a limited use of horizontals.
And an intensive use of CH 6BbBE...

I hope you enjoy the show.
This probably isn't the best place to post this, but I just started play Raph in this game and I wanted some critique. Is there any easy way to upload videos of my gameplay?
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