FGC and Sexism.


[08] Mercenary

This is from Penny Arcade's brand new journalistic website "Penny Arcade Report", which has actually produced several awesome articles in the first couple weeks of existence. If you haven't already checked them out, I would highly recommend you do so, the interview with Gabe Newell was especially good.

Thought it was rather provoking and from my perspective, really disgusts me on a personal level. The fact that people can even defend this behavior is a sad state of affairs. This affects Soul Calibur and our community directly, considering I've seen Aris providing a lot of commentary for the SoCal streamed tournaments. What would you do if something like this happened at a local gathering you were attending?

Edit: Another point of view
No good can come of this.

It's either gonna be a "defend our institution" argument... or it's going to be a "If FG's were in eSports, we wouldn't have this problem." argument.

Nobody wins. Everyone loses.
Not really Idle. I think if we want to get to the next level. We have to act our ages. We have to grow up sooner or later. We can't act young forever. That is my call to action for FGC OGs. Be leaders in the community and show class. Acting like Aris ain't going to cut it. someone like Alex Valle knows the deal.
I really don't care if I get called out at this point, but Aris is retarded.

FGC should be innately disrespectful to women? All of it is a joke? THAT IS BULLSHIT.

That's all I'm gonna say about the subject, since that's all this story deserves.
First, what is there to defend? I mean, trash talking is trash talking and is part of the fun of the FGC, but this wasn't even part of a match, it was just sexual harassment, pure and simple, and justifying it by saying it's part of the community. If there is anyone who honestly believes this type of behavior is fine, I would love to hear their rationale behind it.

Second, who said anything about eSports? Where does cyber athletics get dragged into the conversation? Sounds like projection to me. This is about being a decent human being, or lackthereof, and allowing it by saying either "It has always been this way, therefore it's ok", or just a more general "It's ok to sexually harass other people".
Aris was fumbling about trying to say that transgressive language and behavior are integral to the FGC, which I believe is true. Sexual harassment qua sexual harassment is not, nor should it be.
Watching some snips and then watching all the episodes so far...These top-level players are suppose to represent the fg community to someone that's new. While there are people like Spooky that rep it well,most of them are retards that are sadly top-level players as well so they have more "say." It was sad to watch Sub-Zero get eliminated and then get sassed by interviewer that was kind of an idiot. It's more than sexism we're talking, it's the backwardness of the fgcs that shoots itself in the foot. You don't have to be some kind hippy but at least know when to hold your lip.
FGC? Not on 8wayrun. Keep that ignorant shit where it belongs. This place is probably one of the more sexually diverse and sexually excepting community in the fighting game scene.

All Aris was saying is simply the FGC is immature deal with it. And that's really the bottom line.
If people wanna know how this all started, you can hear the argument which starts at around 1 hour and 35 minutes in this video: http://www.twitch.tv/iplaywinner/b/309876812

Basically, Jared Rae starts talking about how he wishes the fighting game community would act more mature and not use as much offensive language and insults. He compares the fighting game community to Starcraft and Halo communities and says FGC could learn from those. The majority of the people in the room sounds like they disagree.

Aris Bakhtanians enters the conversation and that's where it becomes crazy as he claims sexual harassment is acceptable.

So there's basically 2 parts to this. The point Jared was trying to bring up, and Aris' controversial statement regarding sexual harassment (and how one of the female players left the tournament, presumably because of how Aris talked to her).

I'd personally like to see more discussion about the point Jared was talking about, as I feel that is a significant issue in fighting game communities (well honestly, it's a problem with many communities, but it seems especially common with fighting games). There's not much to say about the situation with Aris. He acted like a jerk and he only made it worse with the statements he made, and that's that.
FGC? Not on 8wayrun. Keep that ignorant shit where it belongs. This place is probably one of the more sexually diverse and sexually excepting community in the fighting game scene.

All Aris was saying is simply the FGC is immature deal with it. And that's really the bottom line.

The problem is that the Soul Calibur community is inherently tied to the FGC. Unless SCV can somehow catch up to SF4 or MvC3, it's going to have to stay as part of the FGC, which means it will be associated with folks like Aris. If fighting games in general and SCV in particular want to be taken as a serious business opportunity, the community as a whole needs to act the part. Trash talking is fine and dandy, you see it all the time in professional sports, but there needs to be serious thought on the choice of words when you do the trash talk.

I can't remember the last time I was called a 'mexican jew lizard' playing Starcraft. I've had people drop the f-bomb on me based on username alone playing fighting games.
Well the FGC has this retarded notion of invisibility. They're barely catching up to rest of competitive genres but you'd think they're on top of the world. They have this illusion that they can keep up with their retarded ass behavior segregating themselves from the rest of the gaming world, while continuing constant growth.

That remains to be seen. Personally when shit like this hits the mainstream media, I have absolute zero faith in the sustainability of competitive FGs. Talk to me five years from now.

This shit doesn't benefit any community. It only hurts communities, and further keeps people home.
NO Soul calibur IS NOT tied to the rest of the FGC

These assholes on SRK/TZ/what the fuck ever have been shit talking the game since SC3

how many break weeklies had SC4?
The SC community has many members that are on SRK but SRK probably has way less members on here.
We aren't them. We pride ourselves on not being them.
Whens the last time you watched a soul calibur stream and people were spamming shit like "salt" "kappa" ect in chat?

PS aris is Aris...him being aris isn't an excuse to be an asshole. If you think being better at a game gives you the right to insult someone personally you are a jerk off.
Ive had my share of E-arguments but I've never once insulted anyone on anything except player skill.
This is probably a reminder that if we really want to expand the reaches of the SC community and make it a suitable place for everyone, it is important to vocally oppose racist, sexist, etc acts by anyone in tournaments.
There is never an excuse for harassment of any sort, especially sexual harassment. By tolerating harassment of any sort, you're just going to end up with a community of like-minded unpleasant individuals who think that sort of behavior is acceptable, and drive away everyone else. Such behavior should see you kicked out and banned from any future events (sadly that starts getting into objectivity issues from whoever is making the decision of when someone crossed the line or not).

Keep it civil and friendly, we're here to play a game ultimately.

And shame on Capcom for not immediately booting this guy off of their show and terminating their contract with him. If this is the kind of stupid unacceptable behavior that he'll display on live camera, how much worse is he when he's not in the public eye? By not doing so and just issuing a "its not our opinion" cookie-cutter public relations response, they are in effect validating/promoting this kind of unacceptable behavior. Shame on any of the other sponsers too associating theirselves with this.

Despite some opinions here, the mere term Fighting Game Community includes us as a whole. Someone hearing something atrocious like this about the FGC is going to immediately lump us in with it as we're also a fighting game community. Yes its unfair.
NO Soul calibur IS NOT tied to the rest of the FGC

I think that's just wishful thinking. Soul Calibur just isn't big enough to survive on it's own. Right now, the best you get is when it's featured like it was at WGC and like how it will be featured at EVO. It hasn't managed to get itself featured as the only thing like Starcraft managed (KeSPA events, GSL, NASL, IPL), gotten significant support from it's producing company (Valve's DOTA 2 or Riot's LoL) or gotten into a non fighter-centric event like MLG.

It helps when you get community folks doing things like Maximillion's youtube and Cross Counter's Asian Adventures as you bring in more folks, but you're still just getting fighting game people. To get away from the FGC, you need to get non FGC people in.
Soul Calibur is a fighting game. The people playing it, by definition, is part of the FGC.

Let alone the main focus of this article, Aris, is already associated with SC5. Let's not kid ourselves that we're not cast in a bad light by this.
Women should stop complaining about sexism and prove the sexists wrong. Complaining isn't gonna help anyone, so just prove them wrong and embarrass them. That is the ultimate revenge.
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