Gay or Straight?

Gay or Straight?

  • Gay

    Votes: 50 25.1%
  • Straight

    Votes: 120 60.3%
  • Bi

    Votes: 29 14.6%

  • Total voters
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Destinizish, notice what it says " to direct sexual desire toward another of the same sex" notice how it has to have a target? You proved yourself WRONG BIOTCH!
I know this is a double post but I don't want it to come up in small red and the settings dont seem to stay when I tried to change it, anyhow, the point is that If I am a straight man, and you come up trying to have sex with me, you are a homosexual. If you don't act on it then you aren't.

TROLLING: The art of deliberately, cleverly, and secretly pissing people off, usually via the internet, using dialogue. Trolling does not mean just making rude remarks: Shouting swear words at someone doesn't count as trolling; it's just flaming, and isn't funny. Spam isn't trolling either; it pisses people off, but it's lame. -Urban Dictionary.
In this definition I guess you are right, except you are wrong. BTW this means you are a lame flaming, unfunny, half-"faggot"(as in a negative, not as in cigarrette)

The fact is that I am not trying to piss you off, I am trying to make you understand where you are wrong. I am helping you, but you becoming upset over being wrong is causing you be to just that, upset. I am sorry that you are dumb, and someone like me, (IQ 160, 4.0 GPA) upsets your little brain, which is probably normal size but due to its lack of actual function I consider only the working parts in size. You think I don't like gays? I have no problem with gays, if fact I wish everyone in the world besides myself (males only) were homosexual, and that every girl needed my dick. I state the FACTS that CHOICE is the main part of sexuality. Argue about it. Get pwned by my dick again. Bubbles, I don't lie, I got videos and pictures.

I stopped reading at the second example, the fact is that YOU DID A GAY ACT, YOU DID IT. I will finish reading your post after I finish work.

LOL once again. (IQ 160, 4.0 GPA) is a blatant attempt to try and demean other, when in fact, it's just vainglorious, and utterly pretentious. I fail to believe that you are attributed with those feats, since you barely know how to argue logically. I could retort by labeling my credentials, but I don't need to, because you're already proving that I'm smarter than you. Honestly, you're probably the person who has the least intelligence on this thread.

Read some books are sexuality, and then come back to me when you've got a convincing argument.

And saying comments like "Get pwned by my dick again" is ludicrously homoerotic. Lol you're speaking gay without even realizing it. I think your true sexuality is catching up with you. It's alright though, I'll be here to catch you when you fall x
Quick question for you, how do you direct sexual desire to someone of the same sex? You attempt sexual acts, kissing, stroking, and the like. "Having sexual desire for someone of the same sex" IS WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO MAKE IT MEAN. As I said, get pwned, by my dick, again... Stop trying to make it mean something that it was CAREFULLY WORDED to avoid.

de·sire   [dih-zahyuhr]
- verb (used with object)
1. to wish or long for; crave; want.
2. to express a wish to obtain; ask for; request: The mayor desires your presence at the next meeting.
- noun
3. a longing or craving, as for something that brings satisfaction or enjoyment: a desire for fame.
4. an expressed wish; request.
5. something desired.
6. sexual appetite or a sexual urge.
Solo, your post doesn't help this situation... his quote states "To direct" and not "to have" which are 2 completely different things. The english language supports me.
So the argument, if I am reading this right is.....having sexual thoughts about men doesn't make you gay, but initiating the act is what qualifies you as gay?

Actually I think that's a tough one.

You're not considered a killer for having murderous thoughts.
You're not considered a racist for entertaining racist thoughts.

If you entertain specific thoughts long enough they take form. So eventually they become an urge.

And the reason I don't think this isn't so cut and dry is because....

You have to realize, there exists people that don't swing either way, people that aren't sexually attracted to anything. Individuals with zero sexual urges for anything.

So is sexual orientation a state of mind or an act? I have heard of guys having sex with other men for money, but claim to be straight.
KingAce, you seem to be smarter than most so I will clarify this for you. Having sex with a man for money is gay... gay for money... you don't have desire for men or manly things, but you have desire for money. Make sense? If you have had sex with a man, and don't like it, and go fuck women, you aren't gay. If you have sex with a man, and then never have sex again, you become unsexual or asexual. You can only claim to be part of a group by being active in it. If you have been with a girl in the past and have been in a steady relationship with a man, and you are a man, you are actively being a homosexual. Make sense? As I said, its a choice.
Sexuality is a state of being.

To give an example, if you watch a video of a guy getting paid to have sex with another man, are you watching gay porn? If you are watching a Video of a woman and a man having sex, are you watching Bi porn? Or are you watching straight porn?
The way I see it, sexuality and sexual orientation are too diverse to pigeon hole into either 'straight, gay, bi or asexual'. These terms depend upon a binary view of gender and sex in order to work. This quote sums it up quite nicely: "Labels are for clothes, not people"
What are you refering to Solo? btw labeling is important, it gives definition. "Hes a fighter" is bland."Hes a Boxer" "He's a martial artist" they give more description "He's the heavyweight boxing champion of the world" "Hes a 5th degree black belt in 3 branches of martial arts" Labels aren't a negative, and they help with understanding, please sit down.
What are you refering to Solo?

I'm fairly certain he's referring to the fact that someone's sexuality shouldn't make a difference. Because at the end of the day, the only difference between, for example, 'straight' and 'gay' men is that they're sexually attracted to women and men respectively.

btw labeling is important, it gives definition. "Hes a fighter" is bland."Hes a Boxer" "He's a martial artist" they give more description "He's the heavyweight boxing champion of the world" "Hes a 5th degree black belt in 3 branches of martial arts" Labels aren't a negative, and they help with understanding, please sit down.

They help us interact with the world around us only in the sense that they 'simplify' the issue to quantifiable phrases. But every time the words gay, straight or bi are used, the gender binary is being enforced further. Society as a whole struggles to comprehend the idea that there are more than two genders.
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