Namco-Bandai Announces Soulcalibur II HD Online!

So there has been a furor during these past few days after it was discovered that Namco-Bandai filed a trademark for "Soulcalibur Lost Swords". Until now, we didn't really know what it meant. Companies file trademarks all the time, often just to cover themselves.

Could Lost Swords be an upgrade to Soulcalibur V? An RPG side-story like Soulcalibur Legends? Or perhaps a free-to-play version of Soulcalibur like Tekken Revolution? Well Namco-Bandai just wrapped up their Comic-can panel... and... nothing. No announcement of Soulcalibur Lost Swords. However, Namco-Bandai has announced an HD version of Soulcalibur II will be coming to PSN and XBL this fall.


The HD release will be from the PS2 version, and include Heihachi and Necrid as guest characters. Link and Spawn will not be featured. Included with the resolution upgrade will be several new modes, including online multiplayer! Masaaki Hoshino is serving as producer for this project, rather than Hisaharu Tago who has been responsible for Soulcalibur V.
I don't need to even talk about how exciting this news is; but let me just say that when it does come out, the 24/7 stream will be moved over to it.
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Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
The question is, will there be some sort of balance tweaking and the removal of stepG would be nice as well.

Here's a few questions I would ask PS

Would Step G be removed?

Would there be any balance adjustments to the cast?

Would there be a tutorial mode to help newer players out?

Would the Air Control be like SCV?

Would there be changes to practice mode to make it like SCV practice mode?

Would actual frame data be in the game for all characters including startup frames, advantage on hit, advantage on block, & recovery frames if the move whiffs?

Will wall combos be viable?

Will the game be non anti - stun combo?

Will their be CaS elements?
Here's a few questions I would ask PS

Would Step G be removed?

Would there be any balance adjustments to the cast?

Would there be a tutorial mode to help newer players out?

Would the Air Control be like SCV?

Would there be changes to practice mode to make it like SCV practice mode?

Would actual frame data be in the game for all characters including startup frames, advantage on hit, advantage on block, & recovery frames if the move whiffs?

Will wall combos be viable?

Will the game be non anti - stun combo?

Will their be CaS elements?
Wtf does this even mean? Why are you asking all these questions that will make the game NOT like sc2? The only thing from your list I'd like to see is training mode and tutorial.
SWEET! I get to play my main again in a game she was real solid! SC2 was also my very first competitive fighting game at the end of it's life, but now I have damn near 8 years of additional FG experience under my belt...lets see how I do when I re-visit this! Talim ftw!
I hope they don't change the game too much. Remove the glitchs would be "fine", yeah, but making SC2 like SC5 would be weird.

It takes a totally different mentally to play Soul Calibur 2, imo.
The only question I have...Will all the characters be unlocked from the get go? like SC1 on Xbox Live Arcade.

I could probably still speed run Weapon Master Mode. As many times as I have done it before.
This game was the catalyst of how I became a Soul Calibur fan. All because of Yoshimitsu. I really missed those versus screens where Yoshi said "well done!"

I want to play this for nostalgia. I wonder if they'll release SC3 though? I know I've heard notorious things about it on the competitive side, but I also want to play for nostalgia moments.
Fucking amazing, cant wait to play it on HD without the emulator lag. Im sure many oldschool players will love this release.

So who has all the Frame Data saved for SC2?

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