DARK SOULS 2- Praise the sun

I roll away from Lost Sinner's first slash, only to eat the second one. Also, targeting is a pain in the butt.
Done nothing but died all day today. I think I lost about 120,000 souls in total and cleared out the entirety of Harvest Valley, Sinner's Rise, and the entrance to Iron Keep save for one archer since I ran out of arrows.

Smelter Demon isn't so bad, pretty easy to read, but since I'm running on max penalty, he kills me in one hit. Same deal with Lost Sinner (I still haven't beaten her).

Anyway, I finally got a weapon I like; the Sun Sword! It has the old longsword move set. Shame I don't have any souls to tune it up a bit. My Claymore +8 is getting shelved!

EDIT: BTW, I decided to re-spec and dumped most of my points into ADP. So far, at 40, I don't notice any difference in response or recovery time. So the overall response timing issues the game seems to suffer from are probably intentional, or just badly coded. I'd try to check overall defense at 40 ADP, but unfortunately, I don't have any enemies to practice with since I killed them all. Although, at my health penalty, most enemies generally one-shot me.
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Yeah, setting fire to the metal part of a windmill removes the poison...
Why does the metal burn?
Why would it have any effect on the poison? The poison isn't dripping from any kind of fountain, it's just there on the floor.
Most ridiculous of all, burning that windmill removes the patch of liquid poison from the bonfire in Harvest Valley. HOOOOW!?
from my understanding, mytha uses the mills all over the valley to pump poison up from the ground (kinda like oil).
How do you re-spec?
Take your soul vessel to that charming old fire keeper in Things Betwixt. It won't use your soul vessel till you confirm either, if you're looking to compare things.

Also I don't know what you guys are talking about, Pursuer telegraphs 99% of everything. The Sinner is erratic as hell compared to it. Harder to dodge when there are two BP pyromancer assholes blowing you up too.
Only thing annoying about Pursuer is the limited range of movement and phantom range... that and players nailing you with ballistae bolts instead of the boss.

The Sinner I'm having trouble with largely because targeting is crappy and my shield won't raise up fast enough after an attack. Seriously, I really wonder why they never improved target-locking in the sequel. Then again, their 'improvement' to the controls was adding a jump button...

Oh and don't tell me to dodge roll more... its terribly inconsistent with the invincibility frames and the weird buffering (I'm still getting two full rolls before I can resume control of my character). In a game where weight, and stamina in so crucial, you'd think they'd try to improve response timing, but nope!
Lost Sinner is fun on NG+ 2 Red Phantom Pyros spawn midway through the fight

Only thing annoying about Pursuer is the limited range of movement and phantom range... that and players nailing you with ballistae bolts instead of the boss.

The Sinner I'm having trouble with largely because targeting is crappy and my shield won't raise up fast enough after an attack. Seriously, I really wonder why they never improved target-locking in the sequel. Then again, their 'improvement' to the controls was adding a jump button...

Oh and don't tell me to dodge roll more... its terribly inconsistent with the invincibility frames and the weird buffering (I'm still getting two full rolls before I can resume control of my character). In a game where weight, and stamina in so crucial, you'd think they'd try to improve response timing, but nope!
like seran said, pursuer telegraphs literally everything he ever does. i do have to agree with the phantom range on the blue curse stab, but that happens with pretty every single ultra-greatsword in pvp. you wanna bait either the 3-hit combo or the horizontal lunge since they have pretty big recovery times. and for style points you can also parry him, not riposta-able though, so you can get in a swing or two or use a ballista.

you pretty much have to beat the gargoyles so that you can get the bastille key to open the doors on both sides of the boss room. once you have the bastille key you can go to both sides of the area just outside the boss fog and light the torches there. once you've done that you can actually lock onto her. light matters in this game, there are areas where you can target enemies far away, but only if you have a torch ready.
Can't wait to fight the lost sinner again on NG+! the ultimate challenge! The Pursuer isn't so bad. just i can't beat him yet on the first encounter lol (first encounter is in the forest of the fallen giant)
Beat lost sinner and smelter demon last night. Lucatiel survived the whole demon fight and he went down pretty easily.

I didn't have any human effigies and no one told me that Bellfry Luna had the key to even light the torches again. (The cinematic for this fight showed her putting them out anyway). Still managed to beat sinner thanks to my shield finally raising after a string.
Never use bleed in pvp guys, its garbage compared to dark souls 1 bleed lol (bleed does a set amount which is like 1/4th of a life bar or even less than that) poison is a much better option.
I beat Lost Sinner today myself, by which I mean I GOT LUCATIEL TO SURVIVE.

Tanked her the entire time, and Lucatiel STILL lost over half health. After watching her just walk into the water for no reason I'm beginning to have my doubts bout that gal.

Redeye Ring, Chloranthy +1, Draingleic shield and Ring of Steel Protection +1.

Redeye means the boss almost always aggros on you, the rings are for longevity. Recommend it for anyone wanting to keep an NPC alive.

Also wrecked Mytha, Najka and the Chariot lately. But nobody wants any Jolly Co-op =/

Papa needs his Sunlight Medals.
I've been helping people fight mirror knight. 25 sunlight medals so far. I need that sunlight spear. Also sunlight sword has a scaling of B in str and dex.
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I've been helping people fight mirror knight. 25 sunlight medals so far. I need that sunlight spear. Also sunlight sword has a scaling of B in str and dex.
Just so you know, because I didn't, Sunlight Spear requires 55 Faith.

I spent a long time getting roman soldiers through Shaded Woods, only to get a spell that I never ended up using... I could spice it down now though.
You know what's funny? Showing the romans the jumps in Shaded Woods, and seeing them just walk off of edges trying to do the same. x)

Heh, I just used Heal on her...
Yeah, I know not every character is a Faith character.

I'll just edit this in as nobodies posted.
I just had the best fight with the Lost Sinner... Solo, at around level 85, with dual Daggers... Did it first attempt! (I think she also had a health increase because Lucatiel entered the boss room on effectively 1HP and died in one hit... I count that as solo tbh.)
The recovery of daggers is so low that it was just as agile as she is, constantly dodging each other's attacks... it was really good fun.
I'm really loving dual Daggers... but I've had to steal 7-8 Daggers from other people because of their horrendous durability problems.
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I've been helping people fight mirror knight. 25 sunlight medals so far. I need that sunlight spear. Also sunlight sword has a scaling of B in str and dex.

I wish I was anywhere near that guy (though saying that I might be - I think Doors to Ratbro/Iron Keep are my furthest areas), sounds like a good place to bro it up. Thought Mytha would've been a good option too but, eh.

That scaling though - How's the moveset?

Just so you know, because I didn't, Sunlight Spear requires 55 Faith.

I suppose Ring of Faith and spices are gonna be my safest bet then. I know Sunbro is a faith cov, but I never really invested in faith... Soul Vessels for all!