Hawt Girls Appreciation - Now with 100% Moar AAAAAAYYYUUUUSSSSS!!!!!!

What kind of Man or Chick are you?

  • b00bs !!

    Votes: 96 45.9%

    Votes: 113 54.1%

  • Total voters
Not all men think with their dicks. It's just more fun to do so. :-)

I just found a hot pick of my girl. Peep it.

Not all men think with their dicks. It's just more fun to do so. :-)

Well, boys be boys......I'm sorry to have offended the "sausage fest", but try to see where I'm coming from.
Everywhere I go, every boy I meet is a little too nice.
Well, boys be boys......I'm sorry to have offended the "sausage fest", but try to see where I'm coming from.
Everywhere I go, every boy I meet is a little too nice.
Thats because they're trying to get into your pants. If anyone says otherwise, they are lying.
^Well I'm not ugly. I can say that much for sure. It's just certain boys just stare at me in an unusual way.
Like they never saw a girl before. And the funny thing is, most boys immediately look away if I look their way.
It makes me wonder sometimes....
^Well I'm not ugly. I can say that much for sure. It's just certain boys just stare at me in an unusual way.
Like they never saw a girl before. And the funny thing is, most boys immediately look away if I look their way.
It makes me wonder sometimes....

You must be pretty young if you are just noticing the "Stare until you get caught" game.
Stare until you get caught game? Lol. I guess that's what these certain boys are playing these days. Oh and by the way, I'm only 18. Is that a young age? O.o
^^^ no not at all ^_^

I play the stare until u get caught came without even noticing...but sometimes im slow on the draw, and i end up meeting eyes with them.....so awkward....
Yes it's young. ...at least to me. Men need to abide by the "Half plus 7" rule. Divide your age in half and add 7. That is the youngest you can date. 20 year old dude = 10+7 or 17 is the youngest he can date. 30 year old dude = 15 + 7 or 22 is the youngest he can date.

29 is the youngest I can date. O-o
^^^ no not at all ^_^

I play the stare until u get caught came without even noticing...but sometimes im slow on the draw, and i end up meeting eyes with them.....so awkward....

Why is that awkward? Go over there and talk to them. What's the worst that could happen?
Well, boys be boys......I'm sorry to have offended the "sausage fest", but try to see where I'm coming from.
Everywhere I go, every boy I meet is a little too nice.

I'm always a nice guy to everybody. Unrelated to whether I'm trying to get into a girl's pants or not. I lose patience with stupid people and people who disrespect myself or others really quickly but otherwise I'm respectful to everyone. Of course, this has made me come off as disingenuous to some people before and a couple of times girls have thought I was trying to ask them out when out of the blue I have been shot down or advanced upon. Being advanced on is pretty flattering, but sometimes it's a woman I'd never think to ask out and it's embarrassing. Being shot down by a girl without even trying is a special kind of burn. One guy even thought I was trying to ask him out which needless to say upset me. So thank you for being like everyone else in the world who thinks you can't be nice to people without wanting something.

Whatever. I guess most people are rats and wouldn't be nice to somebody unless they wanted something out of them. Which is why it's going to be their natural assumption that anyone being nice wants something because they are only nice when they want something. Just shows what little worms they are. You're better off not trusting the majority of people who are nice to you I guess.
I'm always a nice guy to everybody. Unrelated to whether I'm trying to get into a girl's pants or not. I lose patience with stupid people and people who disrespect myself or others really quickly but otherwise I'm respectful to everyone. Of course, this has made me come off as disingenuous to some people before and a couple of times girls have thought I was trying to ask them out when out of the blue I have been shot down or advanced upon. Being advanced on is pretty flattering, but sometimes it's a woman I'd never think to ask out and it's embarrassing. Being shot down by a girl without even trying is a special kind of burn. One guy even thought I was trying to ask him out which needless to say upset me. So thank you for being like everyone else in the world who thinks you can't be nice to people without wanting something.

Whatever. I guess most people are rats and wouldn't be nice to somebody unless they wanted something out of them. Which is why it's going to be their natural assumption that anyone being nice wants something because they are only nice when they want something. Just shows what little worms they are. You're better off not trusting the majority of people who are nice to you I guess.

Bro, you are not the only one. I am, aswell, one of the nice guys. The thing that i have seen so far is that most girls look at those guys as the type that is either one with a hidden agenda or gay...lol I really dont understand why it has to be that just because a guy is nice to a girl, that they are just trying to get them to sleep with them...lol its funny in my eyes..
This thread delivers!

Getting back on point. Try Camilla Belle on for size. I'd hit it so hard, whoever pulled me out would become king of England.

I play the stare until u get caught came without even noticing...but sometimes im slow on the draw, and i end up meeting eyes with them.....so awkward....

Thats why you keep staring and when they get nervous you shake your head like you were daydreaming. Shit is awkward when its the other way around though I had this chick stare at me and then we locked eyes and I didnt know what to do because she wasn't that pretty so I faked gaged......I'm an ass

Back on topic umm that last chick is meh
It is a scientifically proven fact that girls who's names are bell/belle will be hot.
Exhibit A:


Exhibit B:


Exhibit Mutha' fuckin' C:
