Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate

I'm tired of swim suit after swim suit after towel dlc. Like people can be upset that their favorite characters still haven't gotten any worthwhile DLC since the casual/legacy costumes.

The problem is they are CONSTANTLY ignoring a part of the fanbase "because it sells". Bye
No one can please everybody.
On the costumes: Agreed. Gothic set, even if just for the girls, would be great and would likely sell well.

On the Nyotengu trailer: Probably September, given the 3-month wait period for the DLC characters following their arcade debut.

There was a twitter response saying, if people kept asking, they would release Nyotengu sooner. I suggest we start a petition.
There was a twitter response saying, if people kept asking, they would release Nyotengu sooner. I suggest we start a petition.

Considering how many tweets and retweets had been thrown at TN to get the old Tengu in, she should've been released with Phase 4.
Yes, this is true. But how many times are they gonna "please" one part of the fanbase? It's too much, man.

I like breasts as much as the next man or woman but I also like decent costumes to consider purchasing. But it has been all cleavage and ass. Failing that Japanese School Girl PE kit.

Who wants that? Weaboos?

I mean, take Tina. The best character. Where is her for example NOT!2003Kane costume for halloween? No we get kinky red riding hood costume with the flowing skirt.

I dont mind fanservice but you know what would probably sell better at this point? Decent stuff. The world is changing. And if you dont want to be part of the SegaSammy Corp then you have to be better.
There was a twitter response saying, if people kept asking, they would release Nyotengu sooner. I suggest we start a petition.

TN also said the same with Phase 4 and people did so but that didn't help.

imo better to wait til September so they have more time to fix her issues she may have in the arcade version when they put her on 360/PS3.
Incorrectly? When the casual fans voted for these costumes?

What's the problem here?

Yes, and that's not making anything better. CFW and JoyBoy gets it.

The community ruins itself for wanting the lame skimpy smut and it's what Team Ninja is going to cater to. Not realizing that the start they had for DOA5U (and it's middle-ground) are what made 5U really amazing and appealing to more outside of DOA. The sleazy and dumb skimpy smut we're getting just adds to that "first layer" of anyone not wanting to try it, let alone play it. It makes DOA look more perverse than ever.

There are plenty of outfit designs Team Ninja can try that isn't completely skimpy or just outright sleazy (bath towels, really?). This further adds to that first layer that turns people from DOA and not acknowledge for the solid fighting game it actually is. No one see's that picture.
The stupid skimpy DLC outfits that they keep re-skinning and re-selling always manage to turn a dime regardless of how overpriced and idiotic it is. It does this, not because we want it. It does this because Japan wants it. It sells in the east. A lot. A lot a lot. Much more than here in the west.

And here is the messed up thing. The pervert will purchase every skimpy outfit for every female character, whether they use them or not. However, if a cool outfit is released it is generally only going to be purchased by devotees of that specific character. And even then, only maybe. Far fewer sales.

Just remember, Team Ninja isn't entirely to blame here. They don't see a single yen's difference if their DLC does well or not. This is all pressure from the parent company to release the crap that regularly sells to their home audience.
When it comes to costume DLC, of course many people are disappointed with the ones presented (bikini swaps, lazy ones, etc.). However, some of us end up buying them for the sake of being a completionist so-to-speak. For me, I don't really like some of the costumes that they gave Helena, but I end up buying just to be complete (even though I don't use them). It's probably just a habit that I have.
When it comes to costume DLC, of course many people are disappointed with the ones presented (bikini swaps, lazy ones, etc.). However, some of us end up buying them for the sake of being a completionist so-to-speak. For me, I don't really like some of the costumes that they gave Helena, but I end up buying just to be complete (even though I don't use them). It's probably just a habit that I have.

You mean I'm not alone? Thank the gods.
Yes, and that's not making anything better. CFW and JoyBoy gets it.

The community ruins itself for wanting the lame skimpy smut and it's what Team Ninja is going to cater to. Not realizing that the start they had for DOA5U (and it's middle-ground) are what made 5U really amazing and appealing to more outside of DOA. The sleazy and dumb skimpy smut we're getting just adds to that "first layer" of anyone not wanting to try it, let alone play it. It makes DOA look more perverse than ever.
It doesn't for 2 reasons:

1. The DLC, and therefore "lame skimpy smut" are optional rather than necessities, which was heavily implied prior to DOA5's release that that was always the plan.

2. You can't see your opponent's DLC costumes online, which in turn minimises that perception.

Pre-DOA5, I'd agree with you. But with the current strategy they have in regards to sex appeal (i.e. keep it outta the core data and make it optional via DLC), they seem to be doing it right, even if we core crowd aren't seeing it that way.
Just a casual opinion.....

Even though sex sells, I guess a petition for more desexualized outfits would be a nice to start? If the perverts are desperate to put the pressure, I wonder why the ones with a shred of morality aren't doing the same?

Pipe dream it may be, but then the squeaky wheel gets the grease. You could put simple fashion like steampunk, aristocrat, wedding, cyberpunk, princess, etc, but I know they'll always try to add sex appeal for the desperate perverts. How can I invite a person to play the game for what it is?

I'll hear more bashing and/or waifu pervy talks than the gameplay itself. I love Kokoro and mained her for what she was, but that won't excuse how they made her sexualized in other costumes. I didn't stop playing the DOA series because of the gameplay or how lazy I am. I stopped because those sex costumes are kryptonite to my morals.

I saw typical swimsuit DLC outfits and said "that's nice". Saw another and wondered what about something more creative. Saw more crazy sex ideas, and I questioned my sanity. For what it's worth though, I did thoroughly enjoy the game for what it was.

Pardon my post.
Just a casual opinion.....

Even though sex sells, I guess a petition for more desexualized outfits would be a nice to start? If the perverts are desperate to put the pressure, I wonder why the ones with a shred of morality aren't doing the same?

Pipe dream it may be, but then the squeaky wheel gets the grease. You could put simple fashion like steampunk, aristocrat, wedding, cyberpunk, princess, etc, but I know they'll always try to add sex appeal for the desperate perverts. How can I invite a person to play the game for what it is?

I'll hear more bashing and/or waifu pervy talks than the gameplay itself. I love Kokoro and mained her for what she was, but that won't excuse how they made her sexualized in other costumes. I didn't stop playing the DOA series because of the gameplay or how lazy I am. I stopped because those sex costumes are kryptonite to my morals.

I saw typical swimsuit DLC outfits and said "that's nice". Saw another and wondered what about something more creative. Saw more crazy sex ideas, and I questioned my sanity. For what it's worth though, I did thoroughly enjoy the game for what it was.

Pardon my post.
remember when Leifang was also decently dressed as well? at least most of her costumes are. but when that tropical outfit came out I was blown away how revealing it was for a character that had a lot of mostly dressed outfits. I'm still waiting on my
it was the only outfit i really used and i loved it. but now she has a lot of revealing outfits. hell, even Pai has revealing outfits and normally you would rarely even be able to see her legs, let alone anything else.
Somehow it doesnt really bug me at all.
In the end the hardcore/core gamers wont buy the dlc and the lovers/nerds/fans(call them whatever you want) are gonna buy some dlc..or every one of them for a certain character.
I remember very well at first as scv hit the consoles and many people did make some half naked tira style characters with sum fluffy Di&% on it....there were many more absurd things...but thats one of them...
But nobody complained about that.
I know very well the issue sells..and the majority of the "other" fighter community never gonna respect this game.
"oh look...gosh..its Tits or Alive/Tits or Asses 5 Ultimate Brazzers Edition" (sry about that)
Yeah its some of those messages/comments i recieve if anyone saw/get that im playing and enjoying this game.
i think its funny on the other hand...
You guys should hit Team Ninja on twitter...the guys are glad if you folks talk to them about the issue if it really bugs you.

PS:And yeah..even if i only pick 2-3 costumes for my mains...ill buy almost every dlc for this game.
Just a casual opinion.....

Even though sex sells, I guess a petition for more desexualized outfits would be a nice to start? If the perverts are desperate to put the pressure, I wonder why the ones with a shred of morality aren't doing the same?
You are entitled to your opinion. I respect your right to express it, particularly in the thoughtful manner you so often do. However, I disagree that those who would request/buy/enjoy sexualized DLC lack a "shred of morality". This comment is a bit much.

For the record, I'm no fan of the recent Bed, Bath & Beyond DLCs (or the bikinis) myself.

Just my casual opinion...
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for me i like having variety in outfits. and i like having my female fighters in comfortable/cool looking outfits. but if i never get that then it gets boring looking at the same 2 outfits over and over. one of the reasons i'm still into SCV is because making different clothing options does keep me interested. yeah gameplay is important but also in this day and age looks is also another thing. why do you think Capcom made MvC3 so colorful and flashy as well as SCV. it's because it catches peoples eyes. it's fun to watch and look at. that's why even though VF is one of the most technical 3d fighters and having a high skill level it lacks "flashy" moves that keep peoples interest. hence the game has a small audience. when you have a small audience that's even less people interested in the game by seeing it. so therefor you have a small player base. Team Ninja knows this too. Thus cliffhangers, big time environmental hazards, and powerblows were born. it adds an extra element to gameplay and is also eye candy. you can probably bet if you are playing in a game center and you knock someone into the steel beams to initiate a cliffhanger, people are gonna watch to see what happens if they haven't seen it before. now make those fighters women in bikinis or something fighting on Zack's island then you get a bigger audience (in Japan at least).

i had a guy come up to me while i was playing and asked if there was a custom option cause he saw many different outfits. I told him no but the fact that there are tons of outfits almost makes up for it. almost.

sorry for rant--
Well in an attempt to change the subject, Prince Adon and I are going to host a Team BEST lobby and stream on XBL today, at 5PM PST. Been awhile since we've held one.

If you're on XBL and would like to spar/practice for a bit, feel free to send me or Adon a message on XBL about joining the lobby, or message us over at FreeStepDodge.

Gamertags; II Hajin II | Prince Adon

Here is the stream link if anyone would like to tune in and support for a bit;
Hey guys, I still haven't picked any wins offline and the folks I fight offline are beginning to think that MR is not a character I'm suited for. They're not certain which character fits me best, but they are suggesting I try another character.

They mention that, since I'm still having trouble with Rondo PP and MRs basic combos like PP6PK and all, I should try a character less string and combo focused. Or someone either extremely complex or extremely simple (they seem mystified on who I should play as well).

Not the first time, really. Back when I played Tekken 5 and had 8 wins and 150 plus losses on my card they suggested I drop Jin for Devil Jin.