Aeon General Discussion / Q&A

Because Lizards can't run backwards.
I think he's supposed to be inside constantly but only do pokes and throws.
Good lows. High damage throws. Lots of stun into attack throws. and good push/knock down for RO and oki.
He seriously has like 6 or more moves that lead to 44K throw. So far : WR K CH/ 1B CH/ 22AB CH/ 9B+K longe range/ 9B/ 66k W!/ 33K/ Also off 3B 66K if within reach and they don't stand fast enough.
MAJORITY of these lead to 6B BE.
Forums don't work in IE. I think that's why I'm invisible.

Anyways I know I've been winning about 75% online since ppl care about that. I play with much better players in person though and will tell you how it goes after tomorrows gathering casuals.
i25 bs -22 lows are hardly what i would call good. outside of it's TC 11k will get you killed by people that are awake.

Not saying that I don't use it, but outside of a turing test to see how bad your opponents reactions are in tourney, i don't see much use for it. 11k and 33k also don't look a damn thing alike- don't believe everything the guide tells you. Go into training and set the dummy to randomly mixup between 11k and 33k and see if you can block them on reaction with practice. I can.

As far as 3B, CE... it's never unsafe unless you get that weird wall-induced whiff ont he firebreath. My solution has been to simply not use CE near the wall, lol. It's pretty stupid but it's not the worst thing in the world.

Sides, wall combos into 6B BE are much better anyways. I had no idea until, well, about one hour ago.
I like to use 3A to stuff Siegfried's stances(all except chief hold). It puts us in the same frame advantage on hit as AA, but without them being pushed out.
I said the same several times, and got laughed out of chat for it -_-. 33K and 11K are legitimate mix-ups on wake-up. Crow, go into practice mode and do the same. Off a single step, they look similar. Either everyone is automatically writing it off, or my eyes are getting old and I can't see well anymore.
If you buffer 11k with a forward dash(66321k or 66987k), then it will really screw over someone reacting how to block on wake up. In most of the fights I had playing with Aeon, someone usually ends up blocking it because they guessed right. I can't really say that I really had a fight where I couldn't do the mix up 3-4x before they finally guessed right; and this is every time I score a knockdown.
As far as 3B, CE... it's never unsafe unless you get that weird wall-induced whiff ont he firebreath.

I could record a vid or you could just try this yourself.
Training: 1P alpha patroklos, 2P Aeon

Record Aeon doing CE. In a combo or not. Doesn't matter. Hold G as it's coming out and for a long while after so he should be guaranteed to block.
Playback. When alpha Patroklos is getting up from the CE use his CE. It will connect

So it's always unsafe on hit, and in some setups it becomes increasingly unsafe. Maybe not against every character but you'll still be at negative frames at least.
Just tested the CE from a.pat and yeah, you're 100% right, i'll concede to that, but it's a i8 ce and you should concede that it's the only one in the game like that. :p

it would actually be hugely beneficial to all of us as aeon players if you could make a list of what punishes him mid screen. everything that i tried was blockable (Except a.pat ce of course), it'll go a long way in helping us define matchups. This is the type of stuff Namco needs to see. I was trying stuff like Raph CE (i12) and it wasn't working. Still not seeing it as end of the world stuff. :/

Speaking of vids, I made a vid of me blocking 11k/33k mixups. I did it for a little longer then I meant to (i tend to.. lose time in training mode, lol) but without practicing prior or playing any calibur, i pretty much went into the vid cold and blocked 33k/11k correctly 41/50 times. Matt, I'll post it if you want. That's 82% and, I can't stress this enough, I HAVE BAD REACTIONS. If I can do it, there's no excuse why anyone can't sit down and learn the animation between those two moves, so I stand by my original statement- if people are getting hit by 33k/11k as a mixup, it's because in that moment, they are bad players that haven't done their homework, not because it's legitimately a mixup.
Yeah alpha pat is def an exception. But when I first discovered this I was punishing Aeon with silly WR B stuff from Mitsu and Raph after 3B CE combo. It's random if I try to reproduce this though. I think it becomes more unsafe based on something stupid, like his distance from them before it connects, or the way they're turned when he runs into them (1B BE leaves them face down+face toward before the CE, and everybody on roster can punish that setup). If I find free time I'll try to figure it out more and make a list or a vid. In the mean time everyone just needs to be aware that they need to cool it after landing a CE. It's not the worst thing in the world I guess....but....fuck it makes me did that get past playtesting?

Regarding the ongoing lows discussion I think you're right. 33K is too telegraphed to be as remarkable of a mixup as the guide makes it out to be. Aeon has faster mids to use once he's trained the opponent to fear a 11K wakeup. Hell even BBB is 7 frames faster and does ~same damage as 33k, 44k with twice the range, and that's not even amazing
None of his lows are legit cause they don't have the proper speed to make the opponent fear getting knocked down and taking hard damage. They're just too slow and they don't have anything to transition into them.
I play against some pretty damn good players (tourney winning national competitors) and the wake up mix up is literally the ONLY thing working right now.

Do a few 11K's and follow with 33K. On block 33K is pretty safe. YES 11K is unsafe but when they are on the ground it gives you a bit of allowance. Typically they get up stand guarding and then will switch to crouch guard when you connect with 33K. I'd rather have 33K blocked and be safe than whiff a BBB and be OPEN. It doesn't all come down to frame date. Mix ups are legit. Sitting in training is not the same as in a match.

BBB is too easy to get GI's or stepped and punished.
How do you generally punish moves that leave you at a bit of a range? AA can punish, but the range is too short. 6A has okayish range, but still not enough to punish basically anything from sieg, hilde, xiba etc...
All his moves that cover range are too slow/too unsafe.
Do you just dash forward and then block/sidestep again for the next onslaught of attacks until you at some point end up being in range to actually do sth?
Yeah, I'm having a hard time block punishing as well because of his range. At its tip range, the 2nd hit of AA whiffs, leaving you open. 6A is a little too slow for some things. Nothng else seems to work better.

My favorite range is further out where I can cause whiffs and punish with 3B_66B but his backwards movement is so horrendous I have a hard time staying there. I almost feel like his backwards jump is better than his backstep. With the short range most of his tools have and the unsafety of his longer ranged moves combined with his fast forward movement speed, it would seem like he's designed to be best up close, but most other characters that are meant to be close range fighters beat him at that range. it's starting to get frustrating to work this hard to get wins when I can do it easier with other characters like aPat.

On a positive note, I am getting much more use out of FLY. Particularly after 66B in combos/oki. Here's what I've been messing with:

3B, 66B has become my new 3B combo. After the 66B they are put in a techable grounded state. Any attempt to side roll or stay grounded gets hit with FLY K_BE~K for an additional 46_52 damage . Standing into guard must block FLY K for good guard burst damage or get hit by FLY BE. The only way to not deal with it is to tech. If they tech to the sides you don't go into fly and instead get mixup. Not a particularly strong mixup, but 1B/2A/3A/3K are all uninterruptible and throws are a decent option as well.

The best solution is to back tech, which sadly gets the out of pretty much everything after 66B. If they do either side or back tech and you did a FLY move, you are pretty well fucked, though I've had some success with using FLY BE~G K against people who teched then try to mash out a move to hit me in the air. I really wish FLY~G would work by itself without having to burn meter.

This works off of 1A and virtually and 66B ground hit as well, so I've been using it in my oki quite a bit. It's been my main 3B combo because I would rather condition them to do something, and it's only 8 less dmg than 66K ender. Not great stuff, butmive been having success with it, and at the very least you can use it to get that extra damage on an opponent if you know he doesn't tech.
I also 66B in almost every situation as it actually hits grounded. I never use my meter for the full super though, its just too bad and you cant rly punish anything with it. But out of fly A+B+K is really good. Half a metre and the K afterwards seems to be guaranteed damage. In rounds 2+ you can basically spamm this.
And yeah 6B+ABK / 1B+ABK are both way better than his CE aswell. Imho.
The problem I have with 66B is that if it gets blocked or stepped the stupid float animation leaves you WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY open. The "A's" in "way" represent how many frames you float like a dumbass sting like a moron. All FLY moves are stupid linear and basically only go 45 degrees. If you get blocked on 66B you basically HAVE to do the K to space the opponent and even then most standing reg moves knock you out of it. You might get CH K on a slower move which has happened to me a few times. 66B does work after 6B BE though. As far as spacing he's bad. On 2A block OR hit 66K will completely whiff. It seems MUCH shorter this go around. Maybe that's just me.
Basically my game thus far has been space. Knock down opponent stay on top of them.
His best range is either stepping on heads or running away.
Yeah, he has NO mid/high-range tools at all. All you can do is basically close your eyes and rush towards them, hoping some random hit doesnt throw you all the way back.
A problem I also have if up close is that many good moves push back alot which prevents your own oki/pressure.
At this point it just feels that all his moves/tools dont mesh together very well, like theres no structure behind it.
Like what is he supposed to be? Cant rushdown properly, cant space properly, cant punish properly, has no range.
He doesnt even have mix-ups at all. Every other character has at least one string/stance with 2 to 4 options out of it that cover low/mid/high and makes someone guess. Aeon cant do that as his only stance FLY has no mixup, only one move can potentially come out of it and if you consider the A+B+K in flight a mixup then youre mistaken, since sidestep evades both A+B+K aswell as K.
@ compacta, yeah 66B by itself outside of a whiff punish tool is kinda ass. You can pretty much just BB with any character to both punish and stuff the "mixup". That's why I've been using it more in combos and to punish side roll as it gives you a slightly better chance to hit FLY stuff.

Yeah they really took away just enough good moves from his SCIV set to put some big holes in his game.

He's not very well rounded, but he isn't extremely good at anything either which would balance it out. Every time I come on here to post or read something I feel like he's pretty garbage, but I've been getting more wins with him than Asta or Voldo, who most people would agree are better/more complete characters, so I haven't dropped him yet.

Might be a good idea to do a wish list type thread to maybe get some attention in case there is a balance patch down the road. Thoughts?

Aeon makes me miss Rock.
Idk, on my wish list would be a gap-closer OR something to punish mid-ranged moves with (both is fine) and definatly a mix-up stance or string. Adding 2 moves to his FLY would do the trick. (and maybe make his ascension after 66B for example a little faster so they cant hit you out of it all the time before the mixup even starts)
66B shouldn't go into stance unless you hold the B. Problem would be solved there.
4B+K IS the closer move. Use it. Safe on block mostly -10 I think. TJs AND TC's. Doesn't do much damage but closes in on Asta/Night/Xiba etc...ALSO 22K is -6 on block +8 on hit and TJ's and closes a bit. 66A is good. 3A seems a bit slower than in IV.
If 66K went just a smidge farther to the point that if you connect 2A it would at least TOUCH I would be happy. As it stands 2A is one of his major tools but nothing happens after. WR A/B/K options ALL get blocked. Maybe once a set I can get the CH on WR K.
His throws do GOOD damage. Throw A LOT. Stay on top of defensive players and space against aggro players.
44K is free off EVERYTHING. Basically you need to be an alligator. Close the ground/ close up and death rolls(44K) all day.
If my defense was better I'd be winning a bit more. But he is boring overall. All this tech you can do with literally almost any other character. Switching to Z.W.E.I. whose moveset is similar, but he has a werewolf ghost.
Gonna make an Ice Climber costume.
It does seem that the smallest 2A puts him out of reach. Which is stupid. Lose ALL advantage.
After a 2A I believe the only moves that TOUCH that are FAST enough to not get CH are 6K, 22K, 6A, 4B, 4B+K, and maybe 3B.