Awesome cosplay!!!!!!

I remember posing her a while back. Oh its soo good to see more of her,
Very nice cosplay there vince and the best thing is they can wear that to a con and not feel silly. As an aside I hope they go with the "save shaundi" ending for the sequel. SR3 was too fun to ruin by dragging it back into SR2's bleak, ghetto morass. And why WASTE Burt "Fucking" Renolds?
i know right? shaundi is a main character and plus if you save her you get that stupid movie ending that i enjoyed. i remember how hyped up SRIII was at the gaming expo. posters EVERYWHERE. and really big ones too. i do wonder how they are going to do since THQ is bankrupt though. :(
i know right? shaundi is a main character and plus if you save her you get that stupid movie ending that i enjoyed. i remember how hyped up SRIII was at the gaming expo. posters EVERYWHERE. and really big ones too. i do wonder how they are going to do since THQ is bankrupt though. :(
THQ is now GONE! T_T Everyone was laid off and a bunch of studios are hiring them like Naughty Dog and Valve