Dampierre and Co's CaS Tips and Tricks Compendium Curio~!

Ok, i just noticed a REAAAAALLY important trick has not yet been listed here. I discovered this about a week after i got scv when i was getting tired of all of my Valkyrie Profile bitches looking like shit because armor reflection colors didn't match.

When you are adding a pattern to an item-For this example lets say one of the default red armors- the Patterned armor will have a shade of red. And lets say you used an Arm Armor with the same pattern, but its default was blue-- so the pattern ends up having a blue shade. You add the same pattern to other pieces of different colored default armors, and poop.. Your cool patterned armor looks dumb and discolored in certain stages' lighting effects.

After you've added the pattern to all of the pieces, use the Color All color palette (at dah top), and change it to a color (any will work, but the color you choose will become the reflection color of the armor) and tah-dah!! Now everything matches. Just go back and re-change the other channels you didn't have a pattern attached to.

If anyone is confused.. try it, you'll figure it out quickly. If lots of people are confused, ill get some piXXX. (or pics. depending on how slutty im feeling)
Flesh-colored underwear is no-no but the post with tons of topless girls gets a dozen likes? I see how it is...

Flesh-colored underwear is no-no but the post with tons of topless girls gets a dozen likes? I see how it is...


you can make a covered vagina by using the undergarment that is panty-hose and a scar sticker (you can add hair with other stickers).

but vaginas are nasty.
Are you really that muscular now IRL ? Reminds me of the excellent movie "Warrior" i saw yesterday, cool avatar anyways ;o)
Don't you think i know my Jean Claude Van Damme photoshopped and gracefully moustached/top hatted, dearest ? ;o))
you can make a covered vagina by using the undergarment that is panty-hose and a scar sticker (you can add hair with other stickers).

but vaginas are nasty.

I didn't ask for that. ಠ_ಠ

I just want to know how to make underwear the normal palette. For some reason red underwear is forbidden. If you want more specifics, I want the mummified underwear red instead of their off-red purple abomination that is the closest but not really that close equivalent.
I didn't ask for that. ಠ_ಠ

I just want to know how to make underwear the normal palette. For some reason red underwear is forbidden. If you want more specifics, I want the mummified underwear red instead of their off-red purple abomination that is the closest but not really that close equivalent.

Impossible, as Pas said. Try wearing colored glassed and adjust your tv to display saturated hues and colors.
Side effects, all the other colors on your CAS are wrong too ;o)