Destructoid Streaming SCV On Monday 1/9

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While checking Destructoid's latest video which briefly touches on their criticism of the latest ad for Soulcalibur V, it was also mentioned that they will be streaming their hands-on of the game on their Twitch TV show Mash Tactics.

You can catch this episode of Mash Tactics live at 4PM Pacific on Monday, January 9th, 2012. Also, FilthieRich has something special planned for this broadcast, so you can find additional details and a link to the stream archive can be found after the break.

Stream Archive:

219188-soulCaliburV header.jpg

Date: Monday, January 9th, 2012
Start Time: 4PM Pacific

Second Article
Why do so many idiots think this?
I'll admit that the way it's said in the article sounds off-putting, but it has some truth to it. The reason why I can't get into a game like UMvC3 is you have to be able to convert a hit confirm into 15 second half-life combos that require good timing and execution; whereas, in SC, you can buffer attacks easily, and you can get pretty far competitively without having spot-on execution.

At the same time, the writers probably don't know this difference among the competitive levels in current fighting games.
It's most likely gonna be too late, but I'm gonna try anyways to get them to talk to people on this site before the stream, and maybe even get somebody on the stream itself as a consultant.
I'll admit that the way it's said in the article sounds off-putting, but it has some truth to it. The reason why I can't get into a game like UMvC3 is you have to be able to convert a hit confirm into 15 second half-life combos that require good timing and execution; whereas, in SC, you can buffer attacks easily, and you can get pretty far competitively without having spot-on execution.
Yeah, but that's just how fast the player has to be, not how technical or deep the game is.
So there's a stream tomorrow and on Monday.. SHIT DAMN MOTHAFUCKA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TOO MANY STREAMS TO KEEP UP WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Like I said, the truth is the truth and believe me, I've seen more Spam in SSF4 and MVC3 than I have in any other fighting game. Not saying they arent good games, but seriously, get off of their dick already. And Soul Calibur hasn't earned respect? Yeah maybe not to the morons at Gamespot, but I'm sure there are a few thousand Soul Calibur players that would disagree with that! But let me guess,.... They're "scrubs" too right?

I said competitively. You're not looking at the bigger picture at all. The only capcom game I generally like is 3rd Strike, other than that I don't play SF4 or UMVC3 but I watch them and keep up with the scenes and have nothing but respect for them. Im not on capcom's dick either because I do think they make stupid decisions but for the most part I respect them.

I can't honestly say that SC has earned my respect yet or the greater FGC (despite what you may say does play more than capcom games) doesn't really either.

I called YOU a scrub and not anyone else because Spam is usually a scrub statement.
You know that feeling you get when you look at the picture for the article and go "Oh, is that Voldo's 2P? I haven't seen it yet, it looks really c-" but cut yourself off as you realize what you thought was his face is actually his crotch?

I had that feeling now.
I'll admit that the way it's said in the article sounds off-putting, but it has some truth to it. The reason why I can't get into a game like UMvC3 is you have to be able to convert a hit confirm into 15 second half-life combos that require good timing and execution; whereas, in SC, you can buffer attacks easily, and you can get pretty far competitively without having spot-on execution.

At the same time, the writers probably don't know this difference among the competitive levels in current fighting games.

You haven't tried MVC3 if you believe hit-confirming in it is hard. I may be a bit above average as far as execution in fighting games go but I'm still amazed at how lenient the game is.

On the current topic, most anything that sounds ignorant probably is due to ignorance. Pretty sad when I read some guy say on ATP that Aris should hurry up with his review so he knows whether or not to get the game. Still, that same ignorance will keep the dumb and, hopefully, get me and whoever isn't a sheep a bunch of top 4 finishes.

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А как тут прыгать? ☕
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— Твою ж овсянку! — Давно я не слышала этого выражения... °˖✧
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