[Florida] lol, Florida thread

Becky, Suirad, I had a great time with you guys. Sorry I seemed so out of it by the time I left but I was *dead* tired lol.

I look forward to coming back to FL sometime and hanging out with you guys again. :)

Glad to have had ya. Did you get to enjoy the orlando area much when all was said and done?

Hey did Chaos1x ever show up to play with you guys offline?

Nah not many people showed up at all, I'd've been surprised at someone from Miami making the hike up there anyway.
Hey did Chaos1x ever show up to play with you guys offline?

lolo and I were ready to head over to his place when we went to Miami and he canceled on the day of. =\

Suirad: Yeah Orlando was pretty awesome. I look forward to going back one day and experiencing more of it. There's just so much to do there.
Keep me in the contact loop too(I'll give my number to PM's but not here....obviously) Unless I'm weird or got BO or some shit.

I need serious Raph offline practice and prep mixups to truly judge if Raph is as bad offline as people make him out to be.
Sorry about that, I didnt realize I wouldnt have internet until in orlando till I got there and that without it I wouldnt have any way to contact you.
I need to know if there is anyone in Orlando or the surrounding areas that even play this game anymore. I have a venue that's willing to host for offline regulars, just need some dedicated people.. anyone down..??
Anybody interested, Tallahassee has a very small, informal club night on mondays called "Blue Mondays" at club Rayn

I actually live in Jacksonville but work with the proprieters of the night. We have three ps2 systems set up for free play on SC3 and have all skill levels playing from beginners to a couple of advanced players.

Cover is 5$ for the night and doors are at 10pm
Offline Florida / Miami

Online play bore's me to no end.

i wana see if theres a few people in Miami ( or even Florida ) that are willing to come to my place every now and then for some offline games.

so yea if you live in Florida and want some offline competition let me know via this thread or a private message. so far its only me and doom. but i wanna try and get some more people.
I come by miami rarely (down to maybe once a year now), but when I do I'm definitely interested in playing people.
Crimson i'm in Jacksonville and pretty new to the area, how far away is orlando? If the gaming is good I can try to make it down with some regularity. What night(s) were you looking at?
Tampa Gatherings

Any SoulCal players in Tampa have any gatherings? Can't venture too far out cause I don't have a car and i'm 17!

Enkindu or BelovedChild
Do you guys have offline gatherings
There hasn't been a get together in FL in a while. if someone is holding something(and it's both a reasonable distance from me and at a reasonable time), then they can count me in.
There hasn't been a get together in FL in a while. if someone is holding something(and it's both a reasonable distance from me and at a reasonable time), then they can count me in.

Haha. My man Suirad went all the way to Seattle for a get together. :) You startin' school again man?
Yeah, that's what you gotta do to get games in nowadays. School has started again and it's rough, so don't expect me in Seattle again anytime soon.
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