Good Games Thread

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lol's stop obsessing or i'll have to block you and report you for harassment. by the way, get better internet.
It doesn't matter to me, he still got whooped on. he managed to win a couple here and there with lag tactics, but he rage quit and started telling lies after I jammed the cork in his bottle. Not sure what his problem is.
Enk doesnt like lag tactics. Believe me I know *replaces band aid from ass thats still bleeding*

Now he picks on me, tells me to shut up, kicks me out of chat, and hurts my feelings. I said I was sorry, maybe thats what you should do Dani!!!

I still love you Enk!!

I never used any lag tactics. WTF. I used 22_K once cause you used voldo 1A on meh first. Lolol your so funny.

7-5 is hardly a whooping. But u won eight not seven, and I used talim, and u barely won (:
haha. you're still making shit up? you even tried to tell me Ivy 22K was "deemed ok online" to which I said, "if 22k is ok to use, then so is my 1a." and I only used 1A once after that. You connection was barely a 4bar too. You just don't do shit like that in poor connections. why are you trying to start shit? I figured your nookie woulda healed by now. go away.
haha. you're still making shit up? you even tried to tell me Ivy 22K was "deemed ok online" to which I said, "if 22k is ok to use, then so is my 1a." and I only used 1A once after that. You connection was barely a 4bar too. You just don't do shit like that in poor connections. why are you trying to start shit? I figured your nookie woulda healed by now. go away.
Enkindu, there's no point in arguing with him. This has happened many times before; and it only leaves the other person frustrated. Trust me, if this continues, his maturity level dwindles throughout the argument. Then everything around you gets gayer.

Plus, I've learned that over the years, it's completely pointless to argue with someone about lag who has never experienced offline play. They really don't understand, and just repeat here say without fully understanding the concept of lag. I mean... here's the perfect example...

-5 is hardly a whooping. But u won eight not seven, and I used talim, and u barely won (:
He really thinks that means something... and he really thinks Talim's tier position still counts online; that bitch is boosted.
Dani, shut up. Online is online lol. No one seems to care about your winning record. If you want them to care, go on that challenge thread and revitalize it. Can't do that? Shut up and play the game for fun.

Enk and Xeph, let's fight again sometime. Na-mu...
GGs to Koompbala, it feels so wrong playing online against someone that lives 20 minutes away lol

P.S. Dani would do fine offline
GGs to Koompbala, it feels so wrong playing online against someone that lives 20 minutes away lol

P.S. Dani would do fine offline

dude for 2 YEARS i lived literally one block away from zombieheadshots. in all that time he never once came to play dest and me, and called me a loser every time i invited him...which was many. :(
The lag was pretty bad when I fought Dani, so I'm just surprised he'd be bragging about winning or almost winning with Talim. I can usually do alright in lag like that, but with the mashing he was doing, it was a bit troublesome.
Yo, Namu, I heard you're getting real good as of late. Let's for sure play. You wouldn't happen to be available now, would you?
GGs to koompala also. I cant believe your maxi beats mine. Theres something wrong with that.

@NDK....Ive been looking for you....quit duckin me you punk!!

GGs to Xeph and Lobo. Sorry for only playing him was trying to make my cervantes better and get FC A+BBB down.
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