Good Games Thread

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HRD prolly lied and told him he was another color. I couldn't imagine why though. Why'd you do that, HRD?
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HRD prolly lied and told him he was another color. I couldn't imagine why though. Why'd you do that, HRD?

Fuck white people!!!

Actually I have a really good connection with most canadians for some odd reason. Better than most american east coasters, like that one floridian weirdo....enk-likestotouchmanpenis_indu, or something like that.

I went 30+ rounds with andur last night with a 4bar. we have a virtually best connection scenrio with each other, i dont get it. I think andur is in edmonton. Dunno if thats east or west coast

Fuck white people!!!

Actually I have a really good connection with most canadians for some odd reason. Better than most american east coasters, like that one floridian weirdo....enk-likestotouchmanpenis_indu, or something like that.

I went 30+ rounds with andur last night with a 4bar. we have a virtually best connection scenrio with each other, i dont get it. I think andur is in edmonton. Dunno if thats east or west coast


Its West-ish

Edmonton is in Alberta


Yes it was necessary to post maps and shit, this is CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY we're talking aboot.
GGs to people I've played recently.
Bad games to Cronus980 (dark schism) for being a fag and lagging me to death and then kicking me. hahaha.
GG's ifiction, HRD, WareEaglesDare, and other little whiny guys I played in special VS when I didnt even know it was special VS and whipped their souped up characters with normal Yosh haha
Its West-ish

Edmonton is in Alberta


Yes it was necessary to post maps and shit, this is CANADIAN GEOGRAPHY we're talking aboot.

Wow... you guys have so few states. Canadian kids must have a great time with your jigsaw puzzles. I mean, they don't even have time to get bored. "So... I got all 9. Woo" I guess that makes state capitols pretty easy though. So you gotta love that. Also, they're arranged too neatly. They need to have wackier lines. Trust me, as an American I know these things. I mean have you seen Idaho? It is the best state because it looks like a foam finger. And Alaska is all like "BOOYAH! No Pacific coast for you, bitches!" I mean it's entire purpose is to serve as a manifest cock-block. And what's with those names? Tsk Tsk. How are you supposed to shout gang signs when your cities and provinces have names like Edmonton and Alberta? "WEST EEEEEeeeeEEEED!" Sounds like a college course. Far too respectable. And Alberta, sounds like a girl who works at a bank. Now here in america we have some good names. Like Nevada. If that's not a stripper's name I've never heard one. And just where do you guys get off respecting nature and having decent healthcare? ... Nevermind, my time's up.
GG's to all the random noobs i destroyed today.

Special gg's to the ones that QQed after i owned them, even though 50% of their moves were Lag tactic's.
chaos, welcome to the world of eating lag tactics, not returning them, and winning anyway.

how do you think i felt playing you all this time?

GGs to TANHAUSSER1, he rapped my vader and NM but I rapped his App >=) and GGS to the random dudes that I botted ^-^
good games to jhannux.

oh wait he booted me before we could play like he always does. i should stop spamming "moves" and let him win already.

Everytime I beat him he sends "lol", but never replys when I ask what he's "lol-ing" at. T_T
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