I'm going to name my kids nightmare and siegfried

Yeah... You're not going to name your kids Nightmare and Siegfried.

That is all.

YES , i am going to do it .

i am gonna fucking take a picture of their birth certificate . and SCAN THAT SHIT .

that might be a while from now , but in all honesty , i WANT to .

if i have a girl i wanted to name her something like eilowny , or alice , or elise ,
ivy will do . HAH .
i know . but nightmare is cool .


so much win LOL
I believe you should not name your kids something that will cause them to have a horrible life through school. [ex. getting picked on by their names]
Those things can lead to depression, which leads tosuicide in the long run, or them hating you for giving them such names.
If anything,name your kids something normal and if you like,nick name them nightmare and siegfried...
But I'm sure once you grow up a bit more, you'll realize that this idea is the most stupidest one you'll probably ever have.

No offense.

I'm with ken here. Haven't you ever heard the song about the boy named sue? Then again, being named nightmare sounds like a one-way ticket to freakville. You couldn't pick a more normal name out of the cast? Like Raphael? Your wife is right to oppose you. Nightmare? Seriously? He would get made fun of so much and imagine his dating life: "Hi I'm Nightmare, can I buy you a drink" and "Are you serious, you're going out with nightmare? Answer: Oh is that his name? Oh god no!". What's he gonna do when he wakes up in the middle of the night say "I had a... a me!"

No. Stop. Nightmare is a bad name for a kid.
You might as well put the final nail in their coffins, and name them Mario and Luigi.

OMG. This killed me.