IMPORTANT: SCV Bug/Glitches Collection

I recorded a bug where NM's flapjack can't be GI'd but can still be blocked and JG'd. Sorry for the bad quality.

This also happens for Siegfried's flapjack.
^ That not a bug. The flapjacks are grabs and grabs can not be GI. But at the same time both those low grabs can be blocked low, so it make sense if they can be JG.
^ That not a bug. The flapjacks are grabs and grabs can not be GI. But at the same time both those low grabs can be blocked low, so it make sense if they can be JG.

If it can be blocked then its just an Attack throw move which should be GIable. To say the least it wasn't like that in previous games, so I'm not sure if PS intended for it to work like that.

Poor Damp can't stand up to my Patrogol. Damp CE glitch @ 0:30. I have a feeling Algol bubbles will do this to all aGI CEs but NMs.

Algol's exact words in this round: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, I'll break the game on your dumb ass.

Also, the second hit of Yoshi's 3AB has whiffed on Aeon since 1.02. Always. Unless Aeon is pinned against a wall or edge. This is hitbox issues, but oh well.
^hmm it seem like the system doesn't know what to do when the bubble collied with Dampierre. Where as with Nightmare or Xiba the animation won't freeze, but the bubble will interupt them.

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^hmm it seem like the system doesn't know what to do when the bubble collied with Dampierre. Where as with Nightmare or Xiba the animation won't freeze, but the bubble will interupt them.

You used 66B on the second two, do you think that has any difference to using 66A?

EDIT: Or whiffing the first hit of 6BBB?
I did 66A with same results, but the timing was strict and with nightmare it was a pain trying to record that. With Xiba he kept going under 66A. So I had to use a different attack to get it done. But really it not the second attack that make any difference it the bubble interrupting the CE animation. Side note: Dampierre, Nightmare, and Xiba if they CE the bubble or CE the bubble with an attack at same time, the bubble become theirs and the CE animation continues normally.
Nightmares ch 8K causes a weird double hit on a wall, you can see how the opponents glitches up. This results in the followup not giving the second Wallstun. Tested on Cervy, P and OP.

Video will be here in a few minutes:

Some Siegfried whiffing glitches (I will generally first show the move/combo working as intended and then reproduce the whiffing glitch):

Sorry for the low quality

EDIT: For easiness, i made a youtube playlist with some added commentary: click
  • 66A whiffs against leixia (or other small CAS chars) at close range on block.
  • SBH B, 22_88BB only works if you step to Sieg's right (22 side on 1P, 88 side on 2P). Doing the opposite will cause a whiff.
  • 2A+B randomly whiffs at midrange, depending on how the opponent is angled towards siegfried while standing.
  • Against some chars, 3B will whiff in combos against a wall where siegfried is totally perpendicular E.g. CH 66K, W!, 3(B), W! ~ SCH B, 3B (whiff possibility).
  • (B) randomly whiffs against grounded opponents
  • B4 whiffs on tip to mid range against some chars at certain angles. The input speed affects the whiffing.
  • Post 1B ~ W!: A+B will whiff against smaller chars like pyhrra and leixia, when being totally perpendicular to the wall.
  • 2KKKKK whiffs. Period :P Its caused by its own pushback, which causes the whole string to never be able to connect. Its not necessarily a glitch though. Just added it for comprehensiveness (i think the dev's should take a look at this move because right now it is absolutely broken).
    No video for this one. It is obvious, really.
  • SCH B whiffs at various situations, most commonly after evading with 2_8 B+K (For example: On 1P side use 2A+B, have Pyrrha block it and immediately 236B. After blocking 2A+B do 2B+K, SCH B - it will go right through her and whiff).
Nightmares ch 8K causes a weird double hit on a wall, you can see how the opponents glitches up. This results in the followup not giving the second Wallstun. Tested on Cervy, P and OP.

All moves that make that kind of low wall splat sometimes make a glithed wallsplat. It depends on range, maybe angle. It's from first versions of the game, I have some funny combos with it but still didn't have a time to record it.
Looks like a JG bug has been discovered
I think what's happening here is that when you JG a low it'll automatically JG anything else. I'm not sure though cause the user doesn't talk about what's going on exactly
^ I noticed that too ... you can actually hold 2+g and you'll duck the 2nd part of natsu's high ... and it makes it slightly punishable. normally when blocked, pyrrha can't punish with stab ... but she can stab if you jg the bomb, then stay ducking for a split second and then stab ... shown here [fast forward to 0:42]:


I also found this practice mode "glitch" with the damage adding system. it's a pretty minor glitch, but looks funny / strange none the less.

tech trap combo: 66b, 8a+b,b, 2a,be, [tech], ag:B, 2a,be, jf twister

the "glitch" here is after the 2a,be hits after the ag:B ... the damage scaling is off on the blue / yellow numbers on the opponent... but the numbers are normal under "damage / total".

if you watch the blue numbers, after the second BE hits, it says 107 damage [but says 140 on the total] then jumps to 169 damage after the jf twister hits.
General TC attacks (e.g. 1/2K, 2A, 2B) don't TC the moment the execution frames start. This has been going on since SC4, and needs to be changed back to TC at the very start, ala SC1 - SC3.
You know Patch 1.04 for SFxT is horrible and this game should stick it to Crapcom and show them how to properly fix glitches without any horrible side effects.
General TC attacks (e.g. 1/2K, 2A, 2B) don't TC the moment the execution frames start. This has been going on since SC4, and needs to be changed back to TC at the very start, ala SC1 - SC3.

That's almost certainly intentional, just like how no attack lands instantaneously.

Oh, where are the videos of QS going completely around characters again? If memory serves that wasn't possible pre-1.03.

I'm not certain since one of the characters was a CAS in this case, but I believe I may have found a glich where at least Pyrrha can be hit by Cervantes' CE and have nothing happen but the fire animation X.X No JG, no whiff, a hit that only sets her aflame. I'll put up a video in a little while I guess.

EDIT: ...Or I *WOULD*, except now my recording software has decided to not function at all T_T
I'm really not sure how this classifies but I think it needs saying.

This is about the fundamental gameplay, not movelists, and therefore balance really. I'm sure many have noticed these seemingly little things though, it may not be likely to change, but I'm going to say it anyway.

Before the game was fully patched, I was at least still able to jump on command, a small amount of the time. However picking it up recently, it seems almost impossible if not totally impractical to jump at all. This isn't a glitch, this is a totally intentional play by PS, who seem to assume I can't play the game without them holding my hand... Either that or they're really actually just trying to make the game more challenging for me...

Same goes for general functionality of just about everything I do in the game. PS have invested so much time in making the game idiot-proof (I can't be the only one who thinks that's at least somewhat offensive to just about everyone who bought the game, but I digress), which is not the same as removing glitches, it's about making the game step in and counter a players errors for them. Attempting to make bad things less likely to happen, basically, I'd just call it what it actually is though, restrictive.

Just a small example, binding ABK onto a shoulder and making the input only 4 to stop mistakes does not remove them from the game...

It only removes options, which if you are like me you were used to having, making you more likely to panic, perhaps brushing the stupid analoge shoulder button as you try and ease backward...

This has all but ruined SC5 for me really, but may the legend never die...

At least I still have Max Payne 3... *sadface*
You can still jump relatively instantly, but you have to use an attack. Instant empty jumps were modified apparently to fix an issue with fuzzy guard. You can still jump out of the same strings, but you have to commit to it with a jumping attack instead.
Well, the development of any game is going to have it's hiccups, it's just the nature of bugs, sometimes fixing one makes space for more.

But it seems to me in this case PS have found themselves on a slippery slope. Seems like they are putting in these things that aren't strictly necessary, then wondering where all the bugs come from.

I could be wrong I suppose, I just know how I feel about what I'm playing...
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