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SFV JP date 2/18. Want to preorder it but think I'll get the DL, discless version.

Sony sent my code for the free PS4 USFIV Horror Pack costumes so will think of a way to give it away cause I already bought 'em.

Preordered the Mad Catz Chung-Li PS3/4 limited edition TE2 fightstick. Lotsa functions & pretty blue although a little costly.

Got Halo 5 yesterday- looks like we have another awesome game to play.
Just got this today.

; )

Busy pracin up on USFIV to get ready for SFV!


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Well I'm 48 yrs young this month & still gamin!

Maybe gamez w/Pad on Mon. It's a holiday but I have to work, don't know my finish time yet.

Star Wars Battlefront should be here in the next few dayz, (hope to coop w/son) tryin to keep it up in SF, still not ready for arcade mode or online, not to mention hittin the arcades...
Couldn't have gamez, had to work all that day, even though it was a national holiday.

Orderd the Mad Catz Chung Li TE2 should be getting it soon.

Went to a 0、8病と衝撃。 concert and loved it. Met them after and they were really nice.
The band members were cool too. Goin to their next concert in Feb (lookin forward to it!).
They are classified as alternative music but they have all different kindsa songs.
Their somgs are high energy and I like the back and forth between the 2 (man and woman) vocalists.
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Got this baby yesterday, expensive but a nice piece of kit!
Will change the artwork to match the game/chara I play (hopin for the SC news soon!).

May change the buttons/balltop too, haven't decided yet.

It's easier to hit quarter circles on this stick. My Hori (with the Hayabusa stick) is tighter & I'm used to playin on Sanwa sticks.
Aris is comin the end of this week for a Tekken thing, hope to meet him & get some SCII gamez down (maybe weekend of 19/20?).

Mich comin end of Dec hope to do the same w/her & her killa Taki.

Found out I need to get an operation on my foot, may do it next July/Aug so I don't miss a lotta work.
Have been on the SFV Beta 3.

Had to use Laura, then tried Cammy & Chun. None are my chara (& now verified). Wish Karin was in the beta but don't think she'll get added so will have to chog through w/Chun.

Like before hard to prac, keep gettin challenged. Not winnin much but will try to get some stuff down in SFV while I can.
Back to Juri prac in USFIV.
Hopin I don't waste my time/¥ on USFIV but I did notice it helps me w/my SC play (thinking & tactics) & inputs.
Happy 2016 to all!

Thanks to Brook I can use my PS2 MAS Super Pro Stick w/Perfect 360 on PS3/4!
Glad to get the retro stick out once again.
1 month to SFV...
Got SFV & now am pracin w/Karin. Since it's a new game & I mainly only have time on the weekends it's gonna be a while before I'm ready for online ranked...

Tom SCIIHD gamez at Hayate's w/Pad.

The 3/21 holiday will have a SCII/SCIIIAE comp in Aki Try Amusement Tower- I'll join the SCII one.

In a recent Tweet
Tekken's Harada had the answer, "Ummm..." for people are waiting for a new SC Q.
Ggs at Hayate's place yesterday!

I had to leave early (played about 2 hrs) so the guys let me play a lot (didn't get to take on Hayate's Cass though).

Pad got out his Yoshi & Ralph.
His Ralph was really doin a good job of keepin me out of range.
Jackie used Nighty & won many against me too.
I won some rounds but didn't win much.

Those of us that are free hope to make it to the Try SCII comp at
the end of March. We'll see how we stack up against everyone else.

The Paradise MX buttons that I put in my Mad Catz Chun Li stick seemed to work good & didn't have any probs.
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Got an Onkyo pro level CD playa and am enjoyin it.

Have been thinkin (and thus the changed sig)- don't think I really wanna play SFV.
I'm a SC and SC only playa!
Got a new audio-technica headphone amp so really havin fun now.

I'll be helpin (staff) at Playse #4.