Leixia Combo Discussion

Guys, don't spread wrong stuff. Apart from CE CE nerf Leixia's completely untouched.
According to RTD
oh and Leixia's ch aab takes 41 points of damage instead of 48 now.
Might wanna check this. Sounds depressing if it's true. Stealth nerfs.

Future predictions:

6B does 1 damage
4A+B does 5,15 damage
66AA doesn't knock down, pushes back, and is +0 on hit.
I know it's one of her easiest combos but I seem to have a hard time linking 66BB to 33BB especially online.. With this hori pad, I have a hard time doing 8wayrun and shoryuken moves in general.. Wish I had my ps2 port so I could use a DS 2 or DS 1 for this game..
You need to (66)33BB in order for both to connect, but in reality you just have to (66)3BB... the dash kinda buffers the 8WR move.

Ps. I know what you mean about Hori sticks, I got one yesterday and I'm struggling!
I just tried with ezio as the opponent with movement 1 normal and movement 2 all guard, and when i tried 88kAAK he blocks the K but 22kAAK he doesn't... Im not a leixia main and i just wanted to try her combos in training and i also dont know why this is happening or if it can happen with other characters...

also again on ezio the 44aB - 44K will not connect if he techs front back or left

3B - A+B for 43 dmg (i tried all possible ac i hit him with everything i dont think they can ac out of it)

FC 3BB, 1K,K - if they dont tech at all they only get hit from the first k for 42 dmg

2B+K, 3B - 45 dmg I cant get it to connect... most of the times i ground them with 2B+K only a few times i do the dmg with the quake what do i do wrong?

CH 1A, 6BA (AT version), CE 101dmg
3B A+B is easily AC:ed. I don't think 44aB 44K is a combo 44aB 3B barely is. FC3B 1KK (I'm assuming that's what you meant) is AC:able. Leixia has no combos that can't be AC:ed out of after 2 hits. 2 B+K grounds at close range. You're actually hitting them with Leixia's fists. In order to quakestun, you need to hit only with the stun-part.
First and foremost, letting everyone know that I made a ton of updates to the Leixia Combos Thread. Some interesting things you all should check out if you haven't yet.

Leixia has quite a few combos that are character specific, so depending on the combo you're referring to, you might not be doing anything wrong.

The 1KK option on those stun KNDs doesn't work as well anymore. I thought pre-patch it techtrapped everywhere, but now it's only a few directions. Also, they can tech after getting hit grounded with the 1st 1K anyway.

3B A+B is ACable, but from what I've tested, 22B, A+B is not. Now, I dunno if I'm doing something wrong because it looks like it should be, but I couldn't get away from it as Leixia or Cervantes.

Did I forget that last combo you have? (CH 1A, 6BA, CE) or was there something about it you couldn't get to work?
------ 2B+K, 2K - 40 dmg
------ 2B+K, 3B - 45 dmg
------ 2B+K, 66K - 46 dmg

are these character specifics? i did 2B+K, 2k and 2B+K, 66K (without the quake i hit them and on the ground they get hit from 2K and 66K) but 3B i couldnt make it to connect except one or two times where i hit them for the 30 dmg of the 2B+K but i didnt ground them they quake stuned... I tried to space to get it again but i couldnt so either i dont know the space or it was a bug error of the game...

Also about the A+B being ACable i figured it out but the dummy (i didnt record to see if i can escape) didnt do it consistently

Did I forget that last combo you have? (CH 1A, 6BA, CE) or was there something about it you couldn't get to work?

you havent on the list and it get the same dmg with CH 1A(max range hit), 66BB, CE - 101 dmg (50% meter) (by the way i cound get it to connect either but if i remember correctly this is also character specific?) so i figured since i found it you could add it since it gives the most dmg after CH 1A and its easier than CH 1A(max range hit), 66BB, CE - 101 dmg (50% meter) (of course again only tried it on ezio not sure if it does work for everyone)
*sigh* Well, looks like more work for me then. I'll have to test this stuff out on every character to see who it works on and who it doesn't. I was using Cervantes and Leixia as the test dummy for the 2B+K combos since his weird hitbox makes other stuff whiff.

I tested that 1A combo out, and it's actually really hard to land midscreen. The 1A, 66BB, CE combo is character specific, it doesn't work on Cervantes or Xiba. works on Leixia and Ivy though.
I didn't go through your whole combo list, but maybe you find something you might have missed here (e.g. CH 1A AA BE 3B W! combos) http://www.ger-calibur.de/index.php?threads/justice-will-prevail-leixia-combos.885/

I don't know about the CH 1A 66BB or 2B+K combo, but the 6BA 6KK combo only works on:
Leixia, Natsu, both Pyrrha's, Nightmare, Maxi, Mitsu, Yoshi, Dampierre, Xiba, Cervantes, Voldo (not in BS) and Aeon.

6BA 6BA works on everybody except for:
Ivy and Raphael, whiffs completely through, don't know why
And if you do 6BA 6BA the second A whiffs through Hilde and Asta.
I just tried with ezio as the opponent with movement 1 normal and movement 2 all guard, and when i tried 88kAAK he blocks the K but 22kAAK he doesn't...
Yeah I noticed this too when I was creating new CAS costumes for Leixia. I went into the preview mode and was practising against some of Edge Master [Mitsurugi] moves, and I found that when I whiff-punished him to his right side with 22kAAK, the K wouldn't combo but get blocked instead. Very worrying. I don't know if this is character specific or not.
Eh, if that's the case just use the B ender instead, it's a few less points of damage, but at least it puts you in crouch afterwards

EDIT: Seems like the 2B+K into 3B is techable in between as well as CH 3A+B, 66K. (techable to the left. But FC 3B tracks to the left, so they'd have to guess which way to tech anyway.)
44K ~ slightly delayed 3B is a combo and a tech trap in every direction.
If they stop teching and stay on the ground, 33BB is "guaranteed".
Kalas, do you mean 66K as a grounded hit?

You can also use iFC3B for more safety of you're worried about a block.
I like using 44K here as well, sometimes. It can be avoided with a roll, but a delayed 44K will still catch them.

EDIT: Lol, bad timing, eh?

Off 44K, 1B works well as a catch-all if you're not confident in a 33BB.
Since 44K is +/- 0 and FrC on block, you can get away with 1B, 6B+K, and 3A a lot if they aren't too mash-happy.
Ok so I was tooling around with some stuff and check this out.

When opponent has back to wall CH 1A, AA BE, 3B, W! 4A+B, W! 6BA (attack throw), CE 170
Same situation CH 1A, AA BE, 3B, W! 4A+B, W! 6BA (attack throw), 6KK 149

New shit to use if you break someone with their ass against a wall

Also you can 8B+K off higher wall splats... I can't find a long combo with it but stuff like FC 3B W! 8B+K works
Yeah, CH 1A in front of a wall is the best combo she has.
Too bad 1A is so fucking slow, otherwise it would have a great use as an antistep.