Patch Wishlist

Did you ask if there would be another patch like they promised?
Did they hint that it was the first and only patch they would do?
I spoke to Hayato and well... I wouldn't exactly say he hinted at anything specific... but my impression was that I seriously doubt Namco will invest much more in the development of SCV.

The game did not sell even as well as they had expected. Soulcalibur is a small brand next to Tekken (or other FGs like SF). I'm no games industry expert, but I imagine that having your employees work day and night on a game is extremely costly. When that game has already been released and has no prospect of making them no more money, it just makes no sense to keep the dev team on a finished project.

I have no actual inside information, but I seriously doubt there will be continuing support from Namco on a technical level. We'll just have to accept the game as it is. And tbh it makes me sad
Are you only talking total viability or viability in tournaments? I figure most play to win with the good characters. How well is he going to be against the top tier.
I think overall viability. We don't have the frame data yet but if the sisters 236 B turns out to be more punishable for sieg now, thats a huge deal for that MU, to name one example.
  • :b-small:4: (Rampart Buster): decreased guard burst damage.
  • :2::A+B: (Grief Impact): no longer hits opponents lying down at close distance.
  • :2::2: or :8::8::A: (Memento Slap): decreased tech crouch
Compared to some other characters we really didn't get touched bad at all. Really, we shouldn't have been touched at all, and the whiffing should have probably been fixed, but Project Soul has made it clear what they feel about Siegfried and who they're going to be listening to from now on - I'll take whatever I can get at this point.
I am glad they apparently weren't hearing to scrub players and actually made a patch that makes sense in the whole picture.

Btw, check out the natsu board. So much fun "Oh lawd, the humanity. We were screwed by scrub players. Natsu is shit tier now. No reason to play her."
It will actually be much better now with the nerfs on stronger chars. Although i wanted them to fix the whiff issues
I spoke to Hayato and well... I wouldn't exactly say he hinted at anything specific... but my impression was that I seriously doubt Namco will invest much more in the development of SCV.

The game did not sell even as well as they had expected. Soulcalibur is a small brand next to Tekken (or other FGs like SF). I'm no games industry expert, but I imagine that having your employees work day and night on a game is extremely costly. When that game has already been released and has no prospect of making them no more money, it just makes no sense to keep the dev team on a finished project.

I have no actual inside information, but I seriously doubt there will be continuing support from Namco on a technical level. We'll just have to accept the game as it is. And tbh it makes me sad

The we as a community need to fix that...
Well, everyone got hardcore nerfed, so meh... Those three changes really don't mess up my gameplay, well maybe 2A+B a little... Maybe this patch is actually for good :D
I'm sure that this move will be so cool.
THANK YOU PANTO! We need more videos EXACTLY like that one. TAKE THAT NAMCO!!

2A+B did NOT had that problem in SC3 (& in SC2 as 11B). That's specifically why I stopped using 2A+B in SC4 & the why I'm still not using 2A+B in SC5.
Why the Nightmare's version of this move was untouched? this move(2[A]+) is one of my favorites in SCV! I won many matches abusing of it... but maybe now people will get confuse more... I read some day in twitter that Daishi thinks that the better way to balance a set of characters is not to NERF some of them; he said the answer is to give the weak ones the power to be stronger! if Natsu, Nightmare, Leixia and Phyrra are overpowered or something like that just give us more good features to deal with their strength!
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